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" We're sitting here helpless " i said complaining to mehmed for the 100th time today .

" I know , i wish we were close to the capital " he said running his fingers throught his hair . Before i can reply the door opened to a panicked nasuh .

" What do you have there " mehmed asked him before he stood up .

" A letter came from the capital you highness " nasuh said while extending his hand to give mehmed the letter .

My eyes were so focused on it , it was either his majesty was alive or dead . Mehmed immediately unfolded the letter after dismissing nasuh .

Mehmed started reading the letter slowly and i approached him carefully . I waited for him until he finished it

He looked at me and put the letter on his desk , i tried to read his expression but he was emotionless .

" What happpened " i finally asked but he walked towards his window . I glanced at the letter and it had hurrem sultan's seal not his majesty's

" My father has passed away and i have an order to go to the capital as soon as i can to take the throne " i wasn't excpecting to hear this , i was shocked and mixed feeling caught me

" I'm - i'm sorry " i said hugging him from behind and he dropped his head low .

" You don't have to be , god wanted him " he said grabbing my hands and faced me .

" We have to go tonight , prepare everything because we will never return here again " i nodded before his words , bowed to him and let him mourn in silence .

The news has quickly reached the harem and the whole palace was talking and chatting , i ignored them and immediately went to my room .

" What we wanted happened sultanim " firuze said smiling as she closed the door behind me

" I didn't even try to dirty my hands with blood , it all happened before my eyes " i said sitting on my bed .

" We're leaving tonight , and by god's will if we go non stop we'll arrived in 2 days . " i said with a smile at the end

" You're gonna be the baş haseki , and will have a very important position " i never really thought about me having authority or in control because all i was focused on was mehmed getting to the throne .

" You're right but as long as hurrem sultan is around i can't do very much " i said opening my closet .

" I need to pack everything we won't be back "

Many hours passed and my room was as neat as ever ,i got everything ready and the palace was all preparing to move out . I wore my black dress in advance because we knew ,we will attend to his late majesty's funeral .

Everyone escorted to the garden and i was immediately pissed off as i saw defne , i wanted to slap her so bad . All carriages were ready , all of the harem had to leave except for servants who were permanent there . We all got in our carriages , thankfully i had one for me and not shared with defne  .

- 2 days later

The carriage finally stopped for the second time ,i pushed the curtain and there we were in topkapi palace . Everyone had a dull expression and it was very depressing

I held ibrahim in my arms and got off the carriage , i didn't see the whole line standing there at first . Hurrem sultan , her sons , mihrimah sultan and the late sultan's sisters were all lined up for us

I felt nervous , i never witnessed something like this before . Mehmed brought me to his side and i gave him a reassuring smile before he approached his mother and hugged her very tight . Hurrem sultan looked so depressed , she just lost her husband and their love story was famous all around the world so she must be hurting a lot

Everyone bowed to mehmed and kissed his hand as he was the sole owner of the ottoman empire's throne . I kissed hurrem sultan's hand and for the first time she smiled  but it was very faint .

We were all escorted to the palace and the first thing i saw was his late majesty's harem leaving with their things , all girls were looking down and sumbul agha was showing them the way , they probably were leaving to the old palace .

Mehmet left to his mother's chamber ? They needed to unite as a family in this moment and think about the enthronment ceremony that was gonna be held in some hours .

Sumbul came to me and bowed .

" It is nice to see you here sultanim " he bowed down along with the girls behind him .

" We will see eachother more often " i said staring at the people around .

" Of course , i will take you to your new room " he said paving the way for me to walk in the front .

A new chapter of my life begins now ..

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