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The road to manisa was  long , it actually took us 4 days non stop to finally arrive to manisa . But it was time for mehmed to leave the carriage , he had to greet the people of Manisa alone .

The carriage stopped for a moment and he got off the carriage carefully and i watched him from the little window in the carriage , so many people were infront of the palace waiting for him . I smiled as people started calling his name ,it was obvious he was loved by them .

He hopped on his horse and the carriages started moving behind him . As it was moving i stared at the people who looked very happy and satisfied , he was clearly a good governor .

Little by little we started leaving the noise behind , the kalfa infront of me signaled me to hop off the carriage .

I opened the door and immediately got hit with the beautiful wind . I put my feet outside the carriage and stared at the beautiful view of the palace and what was around it , it felt like home .

The kalfa then followed me and stood next to me

" Welcome to your forever home " she said after a long sigh , i nodded at her as i kept admiring the view .

" Come on let's go " she said grabbing showing me the way .

" What's your name " i asked the kalfa as we walked through the main entrance in the palace .

" My name is Firuze " i nodded at her and before i could say my name she interrupted me .

" Sofia " she said proudly and i smiled at her .

The aghas opened a door for us that led us to a very big hall that we walked throught

" This is the harem " i froze at a moment , what did she mean by harem ? Does mehmed have his own harem ?

" what " i said stopping in my tracks and she laughed a bit .

" The Prince has his own harem too just like the sultan " she explained and my heart dropped to my stomach .

I never knew that princes were allowed to have a lot of concubines too .

" Firuze kalfa we have missed you " a girl ran towards firuze and hugged her .

She pushed the girl off and cursed at her then the girl laughed again before her eyes landed on me

" who is this " the girl asked eyeing me and firuze just grabbed my hand to continue walking .

" I can show her around , you must be tired " the girl proposed to firuze who seemed to agree .

" i am only tired of you , it would've been better if i didn't comeback " firuze said leaving me alone with the girl

" Come on let's go " the girl seemed so extroverted and cheerful but i only gave her an awkward smile .

She dragged me with her to infront of a door that opened just seconds after .

The door revealed a bunch of girls talking and laughing , everything was so chaotic and the noise was very loud

The noise stopped as soon as i walked in and the tension was so awkward , everyone looked at me .

" Are you new " a blonde haired girl asked with a sassy smile and she radiated mean energy . I ignored her word .

" This is the prince's harem " the girl said dragging me again to the side , she made me sit in one of the pillows . The view gave me a full picture of everyone . And then everyone started minding their own businesses

" you must be so special that the prince himself brought you " she said whispering to me .

" I guess " i chuckled , she took my hand and putted it in hers .

" This is why everyone is treating you coldly , because everytime the prince goes to the capital we are afraid he will bring some other girls " she said in a low tone again .

" But personally i got rejected by the prince twice and i am the only one probably who has dignity here , i never shoved myself again " she explained to me .

" here we have three favorites  Mahfiruze , Celia and fatma " she showed them to me one by one and i just noticed that the mean girl from earlier was mahfiruze .

" Mahfiruze almost became a sultana but unfortunately she had a miscarriage in her 3rd month " i felt bad for her , it wasn't something easy to experience .

" Actually the prince doesn't ask for them a lot but i am talking about all of this in a span of five years " i nodded my head after each word she said .

" Now you have a very high chance to succeed if the prince brought you himself " she winked at me .

" Another advice is to not trust anyone here , never , only firuze and if you want me too "

" What's your name " i finally asked her as i was curious

" my name is Daniela " she said giving me a smile that i returned gladly .

I chatted with daniela for few hours and she seemed very nice but i was so tired from the road trip and i wanted to see mehmed the most right now but i had to rest .

" You will sleep here " daniela said showing me a bed next to hers just like the one in the harem , i nodded at her and immdeiately layed down .

The other girls were either brushing their hair or chatting quietly since firuze kalfa has told us all to sleep and stay quiet

I closed my eyes and immediately started flying to the other world because of the exhaustion after the long road , the new adventure and life was going to beggin very soon .

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