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Alina walked into the kitchen to find Eden placing food on the table.

"That smells delicious," She said, taking a sit.

"How was training?" Eden inquired while walking around the kitchen.

"Hard like always," Alina replied. "Have you seen Mia around?"

"No, she has been locked up in her chamber the entire day," Eden replied.

"That's strange," Alina said. "I'll go check on her".

She got up, heading straight to Mia's door. She noticed it was locked.

"Mia open up it's me," Alina said at the door.

"Sister can we talk tomorrow I'm really tired and need to go to bed," Mia responded from inside her chamber.

"What's wrong Mia are you ill?" Alina inquired worriedly.

"I'm fine sister," Mia lets out. "I just feel really tired".

"Okay, have some sleep then," Alina said, then turn around heading back to the kitchen.

"Is she okay?" Eden asked, looking up at Alina.

"She says she's just tired," Alina replied just as Kai walked in with Ken.

She watched as he ran over to Eden, who was carrying a heavy box.

"Eden I told you not to lift heavy things in your condition," Ken said, placing the box down.

"Hem what's going on?" Kai asked just as they both watched them.

"We were going to tell you all over dinner," Ken announced with a bright smile. "Eden is pregnant".

"That is so great," Kai and Alina said while smiling at Ken and Eden.

"So I'm going to be an uncle?" Kai asked.

"Yes Kai and I'm sure that our little boy will love you," Ken replied.

"What little boy?" Eden asked, turning to Ken. "We're having a girl".

"No! No Eden we're having a boy," Ken said.

"No way! We're having a girl," Eden argued.

Kai and Alina watch as Ken and Eden argued back and forth about the gender of the child.

"Should they be arguing about a child that isn't even close to a month".

"Just leave them to their arguments," Kai said, digging into Eden's food.


Next morning

Mia stormed out of her Chamber in rage. She matched down the hallway, heading to Kai's chambers. She had to get an answer.

She spent the entire night confused and in tears. Why was he so close to her? He had never been that way with her.

She pushed the door to Kai's chamber open.

"Mia are you okay?" Kai asked while watching her. He had a worried look on.

She looked sick with messy hair and swollen eyes.

"I want to ask you a question and promise me you won't lie okay," Mia said to Kai who nodded in agreement.

"Do you love Sister?"

Mia noticed Kai stiffen for a moment then spoke up again.

"Why are you suddenly asking such a question?".

"Please Kai just answer!" Mia yelled out. She was desperate to know the truth at this point. "Do you love Alina?".

"I do!" Kai replied.

Mia stared at Kai as tears poured down her face. The man she loved just confessed he was in love with her sister.

She staggered back in disbelief. But Kai held her back from falling.

"Mia are you okay?" Kai inquired while giving Mia a worried look.

She pulled her hand out of his grip and then ran off in tears.

She ran into her chamber fuming in bitterness and tears.

"Mia are you okay?" Alina inquired. "You look awful".

Mia looked up to find Alina standing before her. She instantly generated green flames with her hands, blasting them at Alina who went crashing to the ground.

"What're you doing Mia?" Alina asked, looking up at her.

She had never thought of harming Alina, not even once. But today, for the first time. She felt bitterness towards her.

"How could you do this to me!" Mia yelled at Alina who gave her a confused look.  "I trusted you and loved you, so why?!"

"What're you talking about Mia?" Alina asked.

"Don't act like you don't know about Kai's feelings for you," She shouted at Alina, whose eyes widened in shock.

"Mia that is not true!!" Alina said to Mia who grabbed her by the dress.

"You knew I loved him, so why would you steal his attention!!" Mia yelled out in rage.

"I never stole anything, Mia," Alina answered. She had a confused look on. This look annoyed Mia even more.

She hated the fact that she was pretending to not know anything.

"Lies! Everything you say is lies," Mia yelled out again. "Get out Alina! I hate you. Just get out!!!"

She yelled out, pushing Alina out of her chamber.



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