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Alina woke up with her vision still blur from last night's crying. She attempts to get up but notices someone's hands wrapped around her waist.

She turned around to find Axelrod staring at her with a smile on.

"Good morning little one," He said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

She looked around noticing she was in Axelrod's chamber.

"Did I sleep here?" She inquired, staring at Axelrod who nodded.

"You were crying all through the night and I couldn't leave you alone," He said hands still wrapped tightly around her waist.

Alina closed her eyes warming up to his touch. She had missed it for days.

"Little one!" Axelrod called out.

"Hmm," She replied.

"How do you do it?" He asked.

Alina opened her eyes, looking up at Axelrod. She had an uncertain look on.

"Do what?" She asked confused.

"How do you manage to win my heart every single day?" Axelrod mumbled out while she stared at him in silence.

"I knew kai loved you and I was ready to give you up to him. But I just couldn't leave you".

"His that important for you to even consider giving me up?" Alina inquired and Axelrod nodded a response.

"You know how you feel about Mia, that's how I feel about Kai," He said to Alina who stared at him in silence.

"So, are you still willing to give me up?" Alina inquired, staring up at Axelrod who shook his head.

"Never," He said, planting a quick kiss on my lips. "You are mine and I'm never giving you up".

Alina smiled in relief then leaned in planting her lips on his.

His hands ran circles around her back while her hands slide down his body, stopping on his chest.

She could feel his well-built muscles through the white linen robe he had on. Just kissing him made her forget half her problems.

She tightened her hold on him not wanting to stop. Axelrod probably felt the same way she did. He also held on to her tight.

He bite her lower lip for entrance which Alina granted. Their kiss became intense as Alina swiftly sat on his lap and his hands tightly gripped her waist. Their bodies pressed on one another, making Alina moan into the kiss.

She could feel her body heat up with how close their bodies were. She felt things, she had never felt before. She could feel her vagina wet and swollen from being aroused.

Alina unknowing began to move back and front on Axelrod's lap. Axelrod tensed with this action. He closed his eyes, grabbing her waist tightly.

Just then Ken ran in, breathing heavily. Axelrod grumbled under his breath at the sudden interference.

"Mia attacked our guards last night," He says.

"What!" Alina yelled out in shock.


They walked into Kai's courtroom to find guards laying on the ground covered in blood.

"There is no way Mia would do such a thing," Alina said, turning back to face Ken.

"I also do not want to believe she did such a thing," Ken said. "But the surviving guards all said she attacked them with some other girl."

Alina looked at the dead guards noticing something. The cuts on the guards all had the same energy from her mother's sword.

"No no no!" She yelled out, sprinting out of the courtroom.

She ran into her chamber, searching around for her sword but finds nothing.

"What have you done Mia?!" Alina said to herself.

"Is something wrong?" Axelrod asked while making his way into the chamber.

"My sword is gone," She announced.



Mia lays on a bed, staring at a blue bead bracelet


"Sister let's check that out," She said while pulling Alina over to a jewellery stand.

"Mia can we just go home," Alina said in an exhausted state.

"I promise we'll head back after checking these pieces of jewellery," Mia announced.

"That's what you keep saying, Mia!" Alina replied. "We've been here all day. Haven't you bought enough?".

"Sister take a look at these," Mia said while holding up a blue bead bracelet. " Isn't it pretty"?

"It comes in two," The salesman announced while picking up a red bead that looked exactly like the one in Mia's hold.

"It's really pretty," Mia said, taking it from him.

"It was made in Egpyt and it's believed to bound two sisters together forever," The salesman said.

"Sister let's take it," Mia pleaded.

She hands Alina the red bead and then takes the blue one.

"Don't tell me you believe what he just said?" Alina asked, staring at her.

"I believe him. With this bracelet we'll be together forever and ever," Mia said with a smile on

Alina buried her face in her palms, shaking her head.

"You know what just forget it. Let's go home," She said then grab Mia's hand, dragging her away.

~End of flashback~

Staring at the bracelet, Mia had fresh tears rolling down her face.

"Are you okay?" Maya asked, watching Mia closely.

"I can't do this! I'm sorry Maya but I just can't do this," She lets out in tears. "I can't even go a second without thinking about her".

"Mia trust me! With time you'll learn to forget her," Maya said to Mia who shook her head, replying to her.

"I can't forget Maya," She said. " She's my only family".

"Why did I even agree to your plan of running away? I can't do this," Mia announced. "Just take me back Maya I don't want to be away from sister."

Mia said while clenching her chest in tears.

"Fine wait here. I'll get the horses ready then take you back," Maya announced.



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