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🌸💮Chapter Four💮🌸


Axelrod ran forward blasting more light force at Amon, who dodged his attacks continuously.

He teleports then appear behind Amon, generating another golden light which he blasted at him.

Amon creates a black forcefield to shield him from Axelrod's attack.

Protecting himself from the light, Amon pulled his shield down and then generates a large amount of fire blasting it at Axelrod.

Axelrod teleported, dodging his attack.

He appears behind Amon, who turned around blasting another fire at him.

Axelrod blocked this attack with a forcefield. He also noticed Lucas blast another fire from behind and then turned around, blocking Lucas's attack as well.

Putting away the forcefield, he slammed the ground generating light that blasted out of the ground hitting Lucas away.

Following the attack, Axelrod clutched his chest in pain. He fell to his knees coughing out blood.

Amon walked up to Axelrod, grabbing him by the neck.

He effortlessly held him up in the air while his eyes turned pitch black.

He pressed his claws into Axelrod's neck, making him groan out in pain.

He was in pain. It felt like millions of swords were being pierced into his body. but refused to show Amon his discomfort.

He stared into his eyes with so much rage.

Amon smirked at his reaction.

An iceberg hits Amon from behind and this sends him flying to the ground.

Axelrod fell to the ground coughing out blood. He groaned out in pain and then looked up to see Kai, staggering over to him.

"A--re yo--u o--kay?" Kai stuttered out while weakly holding on to Axelrod.

Axelrod nodded a response while trying to catch his breath.

He got up to his feet with Kai's help.

The men both look up to see Lucas generating flames with his hands.

Axelrod uses his powers to generate golden lightning which he blasts sending Lucas to the ground again.

He quickly grabbed Kai, leading him out of the temple.

Staggering out of the temple, Axelrod helped Kai sit on a rock and then bend over to face him.

"Listen to me ca--refully Ka--i," He stuttered out in pain while holding Kai's shoulders.

His breathing was heavy from the poison's effect.

"Fro-m now on pro-mise me you will look after Alina," Axelrod lets out while staring at Kai, who had a confused look on.

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