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Axelrod walked into Alina's chamber to find her sitting on the ground. She had Mia's lifeless body lying in front of her.

She held her sword which was covered in Mia's blood and stared at it with so much rage.

Axelrod walked over to her, bending over. He wrapped his arms around her while resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Little one, I know you're hurting. But please try to calm down!".

"They took her from me, Axelrod!" Alina said, eyes still focused on the sword in her hands.

"Those bastards took another one of my family".

"I know how you feel. I also lost my family and felt the same way," He lets out. "But sitting here won't change a thing".

He could tell she was hurt. She had too much anger buried inside her at this moment.

"I swear to make them pay for what they did to you, Mia," Alina lets out in rage.

"Bit by bit, I will tear them apart," She said just as her eyes glowed blue. "The same life that sacrificed you will be used as a sacrifice to bring you back to me!".

"I promise to get you back Mia, I don't care how long it takes. But I'll get stronger and have that witch's life force replace yours".

"This promise I make with my blood!" Alina said then slice her hand with her sword. She sprinkled her blood around Mia's bed.

"I will keep this promise even if it costs me my life!!" She said with determination.

"I will not rest till every single one of them pays with blood".

Watching Alina make these promises with her life, made Axelrod realise things would change from here on.

He couldn't tell if this change would be good or bad.

But he was certain it would bring chaos to her enemies.


We have gotten to the end of demons part one and I want to thank everyone for their support throughout every chapter.

We have gotten to the end of demons part one and I want to thank everyone for their support throughout every chapter

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Part two will be out soon and I hope you all support it as well thank you 🙇

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