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Chapter Three


Screams and screeching filled the air as the smell of blood and dead bodies covered the entire battlefield.

Warriors of the demon king and sky god, slaughtered one another brutally as blood splashed to the ground and bodies dropped dead.

A large amount of fire filled the battlefield, burning most of the carriages, soldiers and horses down.

The sky warriors had 5000 men and were up against the king of demons who had thousands of warriors ready to fight.

It was an unexpected battle and so they had no advantage. The sudden appearance of Amon(the king of demons) had them unfit.

The battle got fierce with the sky soldiers losing in numbers. But despite the losses, they kept fighting.

Backing down was not an option and if they did, it meant defeat.

Defeat for them meant Amon taking over the world.

"Kai!" Axelrod called out while fighting through the thousands of soldiers around him.

He walked past the soldiers slicing and slaying through them with ease. blood splashed on his face with every stroke of his blade.

Axelrod walked over to Ken who was slaying soldiers at the corner. Ken was an Immortal and cousin to the god of Ice, Kai.

"Where's Kai?" Axelrod inquired of Ken, who sliced off the head of a soldier and then turned to him.

"He went into the temple to stop Amon's ritual," Ken replied.

Axelrod frowned at the information given to him. He specifically asked them to stay away from Amon and Lucas.

" I asked him to do nothing till I got here!!" Axelrod yelled.

He panicked, knowing fully well that Kai couldn't handle Amon and his cousin Lucas.

Kai had been his companion for 20 years, their relationship was something more than friendship.

He cursed at himself for not being present earlier to assist his friend. He wasn't in the best state to fight since he had a "Golic poison" growing inside of him.

Golic poisons are widely known as demonic poisons that tore Immortals down from the inside.

"You shouldn't be here, Axelrod " Ken yelled out.

"You are not in a state to fight".

He still wasn't strong enough to fight, since the poison grew wilder in battle. But he couldn't sit back while Amon achieved his devious goal of releasing his demons.

If he succeeded the entire world would fall to destruction.

Axelrod attempts to make his way to the temple but stops when the ground suddenly began to shake.

Heavy wind blew across the battlefield. The wind was so strong that it blew most of the soldiers and carriages away.

Ken covered himself and Axelrod with an ice forcefield, this shielded them from the wind.

Both men watched as the wind blew furiously, flinging horses, carriages and soldiers away. The fire around the battlefield had quenched with the heavy wind.

The wind continued to blow across the battlefield for a short while then weakened.

Ken aviated the shield once the wind subsided. He and Axelrod looked up to find a horrific scene before them.

He staggered back, staring at the sky which was now bloody red with red lightning striking down on the earth. Each lightning hit the ground opening doors for all kinds of demons.

"This is bad," Ken mumbled out while watching demons of all colours with horns and wings dig out the ground.

They began to bite and tear every soldier in sight.

Most of the soldiers tried to run off but the demons still catch up to them, feasting and tearing their flesh apart.

Axelrod clutched his chest in pain while watching the demons feast on his men. He cursed at his body for being too weak to protect them.

He was their leader. He should be protecting them at all costs.

His thoughts are interrupted by a demon's roar.

He looked up to see demons roaring at him and Ken.

Both men took their battle stans ready to fight.

"Go find Kai. I'll handle the demons," Ken announced, holding up his sword.

He raised the sword charging toward the demons. Axelrod walked off, leaving Ken to the demons.

He made his way over to a temple and bursts in to find a brown-haired man lying on the ground. He had blood dripping down his body while laying weak.

Standing over his weak body were two heavily built men with tattoos on their exposed arms. They had short black hair with red glowing eyes. 

These men were Amon the king of demons and his cousin, Lucas.

Axelrod watched Lucas and Amon attempt to attack Kai again.

He ran forward shielding Kai from them with a golden forcefield.

"What is the meaning of this Amon!!" He yelled out in rage. His golden glowing eyes pierced into the men.

"If it isn't the mighty Axelrod," One of the men said with a smirk.

This was Lucas, his half brother. They had been birthed from the same mother but had different fathers.

Axelrod's mother had cheated on his father with a demon man. Lucas was the outcome.

"I'm startled at how you can stand with the poison inside of you".

Axelrod smirked at Lucas's words. He knew the poison was his doing.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," He retorted.

"You should be careful little sky god," Amon lets out. He had a smirk plastered on his face.

"With the poison, we could kill you so easily".

"Just like we killed every one of your family".

Axelrod folded his hands into fists. Remembering how his family perished always made him resent Amon even more.

"I locked your demons up before and I can do it a second time," Axelrod announced.

"Trust me, your poison ain't holding me back".

With these words, he ran towards the men generating golden light with his hands.

He blasts this light, hitting Lucas to the ground while Amon touched down on his feet.

He blasts this light, hitting Lucas to the ground while Amon touched down on his feet

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