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💮🌸Chapter Five🌸💮



13-year-old Alina got up in bed with the sound of screams and footsteps filling the entire palace.

She looked around to find her room empty. This scared her tremendously.

She was never left alone. Maids and guards were usually there to watch over her.

She slowly got out of bed and then made her way over to the door.

"Protect the princess at all cost!"

She stopped at the sudden scream of a guard.

She could hear footsteps along with a roar. The roar was like that of a beast, Thunderous.

Alina got scared hearing the sounds of guards screaming.

She pushed her huge door open to find a two-horned monster with Fangs sticking out of its mouth. It was pitch black with red glowing eyes and claws as sharp as a blade.

The monster had its pointed fangs pressed into the neck of a guard, who screamed out in agony.

Other guards lay on the ground lifeless and in a pool of blood. She froze on the spot. Eyes wide open.

Alina screamed at the sight before her. She plunged to the ground trembling in fear while sweat rolled down her body.

It was her first time seeing such a beast.
She had never in her 13 years of existence, seen such.

The monster turned around, tossing the guard's lifeless body aside. It roared at Alina with its blood-stained fangs.

"Destroy Axelrod's bride! Destroy Axelrod's bride!" The monster chants, making its way closer to Alina.

She rapidly got up, running down the dark hallways. The monster teleports, appearing before her. This brings the little girl to a halt.

The monster grabbed her by the neck and then effortlessly fling her into a wall.

Crashing into the wall, Alina groaned out in pain. She fell to the ground, clutching her stomach which got affected by the attack.

The monster jerked her up by the neck and then held her up against the wall.
She struggles, attempting to break out of its hold but it was too strong.

"Mother!! help me. Mother!!" She screamed out in tears while the monster held on to her neck tightly.

It roared spilling stains of the guard's blood on her face.

She helplessly watched the monster dig its fangs out to bite. But before it could, a sword pierced through its chest.

She watched in terror as the monster moved back, roaring out in pain while releasing her.

It roared for a while and then turn to ashes.

"Sweetie!" Arya called out while making her way over to Alina, who sat on the ground trembling in fear.

She had tears rolling down her face while trembling. She had never seen such a horrific creature before.

"It's fine now, the Demons are gone," Arya announced while patting her daughter's back softly.

Alina held on to her mother's white sleeping robe. It was covered in bloodstains which she noticed.

She looked over to find a sword injury on her side as well.

Demons (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now