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Alina opened her eyes to see the demon laying on the ground with its head cut off. And Axelrod stood over its dead body, holding a bloody axe.

He sets the axe down and then rushes up to her, holding her in his arms.

Alina stared at him in disbelief.

"Little one are you okay?" Axelrod asked while staring at her.

She stared at him in silence while tears slid down her face.

"Hey, please don't cry," Axelrod said, pulling her into a hug.

The poor woman could finally relax with him awake. She had been worried sick about him and thought she would never get to talk to him again.

"It took you this long to wake up Axelrod!" Alina said in tears.

"Do you know how much I begged for you to wake up and at least look at me!".

"I'm sorry little one," Axelrod lets out.

He wrapped his hands around Alina's waist and then rests his forehead on hers.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this on your own".

"I was so scared, Axelrod," Alina mumbled out while crying bitterly.

"Ask for anything and I swear I'll do it to make you happy," Axelrod said.

"Anything?" She inquired.

"Anything," Axelrod replied.

"Kiss me," Alina lets out.

Axelrod stared at her in shock.

"What?" He inquired.

"You heard me, Axelrod. I need you to..."

Axelrod closed the distance between them by pulling Alina into a kiss. He kissed her with so much intensity that her knees became weak.

For Alina time froze the minute his lips, took hers. Sparks flew down her body with their heated kiss.

Their lips danced in a perfect rhythm, slow yet filled with desire. Alina wrapped her hands around Axelrod's neck while relishing the way his lips devoured hers.

He bit on her lower lips and Alina instantly grants access to him. He pulled her closer so that their bodies were against one another. Her chest pressed to his.

His hands trailed down her body stopping right on her waist.

Their kiss got broken up when they both hear the sound of a stick twitch.

They turn around to find Kai staring at them.

"Sorry," He said with an awkward smile on.

"Mia!!" Alina shouted out, suddenly remembering Mia. She got up trying to run off, but Axelrod held her back.

"Calm down little one! Mia is fine," Axelrod said. "Ken and Eden are taking care of her".

She breaths out in relief with Axelrod's words.


A while later, Alina lays flat on a wooden bed. They were presently at the safe house and Axelrod brought her into a chamber.

"Take off your clothes!" Axelrod demanded while taking a seat next to her.

She looked up, giving him a suspicious look. "What did you just say?".

"I said take off your clothes," Axelrod repeated, staring right back at her.

Alina sat up wincing in pain from her wounds.

"I-I-I'm not ready for this Axelrod!" She shouted out while shielding her body from him.

"Ready for what? I asked you to take off your clothes so I could heal your wounds!" Axelrod said.

He had an amused look on.

"Eden has to heal Mia and some of general Mako's troops who were hurt" Axelrod explained.

"Little one, did you think I asked you to strip so we could make love?" Axelrod inquired with a smirk on.

Alina buried her face in the bed in embarrassment. She had never been this embarrassed in her life. What was she thinking?.

"Forget it! I wasn't thinking anything" She mumbled out.

Axelrod roared out in laughter while she concealed her embarrassed face even more.

Axelrod leaned in closer to her ears and then whispered.

"You know if you want us to make love! You can just ask and I'll grant it".

"You pervert!" Alina yelled out while pushing him off the bed.

Axelrod plunged to the ground laughing his heart out.

"I should be calling you a pervert because you came up with the dirty idea," He lets out, still sitted on the ground and in fits of laughter.

"Just heal me and go away!" Alina yelled out.

"Life truly ain't fair! You were begging for me to wake up a while ago, but now that I'm up. You're chasing me away," Axelrod said, getting up to his feet.

"That's fine! I'll just leave!" He said, heading for the door.

"Hey!! Won't you heal me before you leave!" Alina said to Axelrod, who stopped, turning back to her.

"I only heal people who appreciate my presence !" He lets out then turns around to leave.

"Fine! don't heal me. But on your way out, could you ask Eden to come heal me," She said, sitting up.

"Or, maybe she could get one of the male physicians.."

"You think I'll let that happen!!" Axelrod yelled out.

He stormed back to Alina with an extremely annoyed look on.

"No way little one. No other man touches you"

Alina smiled at his reaction.

"Has anyone ever told you, you look handsome when you're jealous," Alina said in between laughter.

"Just get your clothes off!" Axelrod lets out.


Axelrod is up and perfectly fine now... I would like to get your opinions on this chapter guys.

 I would like to get your opinions on this chapter guys

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