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💮Chapter Seven💮🌸


Alina groaned out while sitting up in a cave. She had been sleeping there for days.

With Arya gone and her kingdom destroyed, she had nowhere else to go.

She stared at the stone-covered walls while tears whiled up her eyes. She still couldn't believe her mother was gone.

She wondered how she would survive without her. She had always depended on Arya for everything.

While crying to herself, Alina heard noises of a baby crying. She wiped her tears slowly creeping out of the cave.

She followed the cry down to a bush where she found a man lying dead on the ground. He had a baby, crying next to him.

She scanned the dead man's clothes. He was dressed in green amour with a sword sticking out of his chest.

From his attire, one could tell he was from the fairy kingdom. And judging from the expensive outfit, Alina realised he was a wealthy figure.

She slowly walked up to the baby. It was a girl with black hair and gorgeous green eyes. She had a letter in her hands while wailing.

Alina picked up the letter and then commenced reading its content.

The baby's name was Mia, and she happened to be the only surviving heir of fairy king Almond.

Alina froze reading the last few parts of the letter.

Throwing the letter away, she ran into her cave.

Lucas attacked her kingdom which meant he would trace her here in no time. She couldn't let him or Aliya find her. It would mean her death.

Alina walked out of the cave but stopped, turning her attention back to the baby. She couldn't bring herself to abandon her.

☠sometime later☠

Alina walked around a forest, searching for shelter. The sky had gone dark and so they needed a place to rest for the night.

The cave was the only shelter she could find in the forest. But they couldn't stay there for fear of Lucas striking at any time.

She held Mia in her arms while slowly walking down the forest. Her mother's sword was tied around her tiny waist.

Alina stopped on her track when it suddenly began to rain and ran under a tree for cover.

Sheltering under the tree, she covered little Mia in her arms.

The little child chewed on her hand in silence. She was quite charming.

"It's a shame we lost our families Mia," Alina lets out while staring at the baby.

"We're alone with nowhere to go. We don't even have a place for shelter".

"And I don't know if I can take care of you".

Her thoughts get interrupted by the sound of demons roaring. She quickly got up hiding behind the tree with Mia.

The demons flew over stopping under the tree. They were pitch black with wings, bulging veins, Protruding red eyes and claws as sharp as blades.

Alina watched as they roamed around sniffing the area. She gets up slowly, attempting to sneak away but Mia suddenly commenced crying.

She clapped her hand over Mia's mouth in an attempt to keep her shut.

She tried to run off but in a swift, the demons appeared before her. They roared out at her.

One of the demons tried to attack them, but Alina pulled out a dagger stabbing it in the eye.

The demon roared out in pain and Alina seized the opportunity to run off.

She ran down the forest, holding on to Mia tight.

Her little legs sprinted past trees and bushes, searching for an escape route.

Running down the forest, the demons suddenly appeared before her. She halts on her track and then turned around, attempting to run in the other direction.

The second demon blocks her path again, leaving her cornered. It hits Alina sending her flying to the ground.

She plunged to the ground groaning out in pain while Mia wailed out.

She place Mia aside just as the other demon grabs her by the neck.

It continuously tossed Alina on trees while she screamed out in pain. She could see red liquid roll down her face.

Her body was covered with blood when the demon tossed her aside.

Laying on the ground in pain. Alina perked up to see the demon's red eyes on her. One of the demons slowly stepped closer to her.

She crawled back with every step it took.

It tried to bite her, but she pulled out her mother's sword piercing it deep into the demon's chest.

Alina watched as the demon roared out in pain and then turned to ashes.

She lets out a relieved breath, but another roared at her.

Looking up, Alina sees the demon, storming toward her. She quickly raised her sword stabbing the demon in between the eyes.

Seeing the demon turn to ashes, Alina seized the opportunity to pick Mia up. She then picked up running.

After a while of searching, Alina finds a house miles away.

She walked into the house to find it empty.

Setting Mia down on a wooden bed, she picked up a cloth, trying to dry her body.

After a while of cleaning, Alina looked up to find Mia fast asleep. She smiled watching the baby sleep peacefully.

She had never protected anyone the way she did today. Arya was always there to protect her and so she thought she would never have to fight back.

But today, for the first time she killed two demons. And it was all to protect herself and Mia.

She gazed at her sword lying in the corner. She would need that if she wanted to continue surving.

 She would need that if she wanted to continue surving

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