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Mia stared at herself in the mirror while brushing her hair. Alina used to do this for her every morning. But today she wasn't present.

They've only been apart for a day but she already missed her so much. She made her way out of Maya's chamber and into the hallway.

Walking down the hallway she called out for Maya.

"Maya!" She called out, walking down the hallway.

She had left to get the horses ready but hadn't returned for quite long. She stopped, hearing voices from a room.

"She wants to return to Alina," Maya said to some unknown person who replied.

"Didn't you say she hated Alina now?"

"That was what I thought. But now the little brat wants to return to her," Maya said.

"You can not let her go, Maya! Remember we need to use her as a sacrifice to raise the demon king."

Mia staggered back in fear. She was going to be used as a sacrifice. She turned around and quickly ran down the hallway.

Drawing closer, to the door, She tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Where are you off to Mia?" Maya asked from behind.

Mia turned around, staring at her in fear.

"Stay away from me!!" She shouted out, trying to run away but something hard hits her on the head.

And she fell to the ground slowly falling into darkness.



Alina walked out of the house to find Ken, Kai, and Eden. Kai and Ken got on their horses ready at a corner while Axelrod stood in front of his white horse.

"Here's Mia's cloth," She said, handing Mia's cloth over to Axelrod.

Axelrod placed Mia's cloth in front of his horse and Alina stared at him confused.

"Axelrod, I don't mean to be rude. but how does feeding your horse Mia's cloth, help me find her?" She asked, watching Axelrod.

Axelrod giggled out then stared up at her.

"Little one!" He called out, cupping her face in his hands.

"Little Axelrod isn't eating her clothes! He took in her scent so he can trace her whereabouts," Axelrod said.

"Sorry, what did you just call him?" Alina asked while looking up at Axelrod who replied.

"Little Axelrod".

She instantly burst out in fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Axelrod inquired while giving her a weird look.

"I'm sorry.....it's just...you named a horse after you," Alina managed to say in fits of laughter.

"Haha very funny! I think it'll be much better for you to find Mia on your own," Axelrod said then turned around to walk away.

Alina quickly wrapped her hands around his waist.

"Axelrod I was just playing around! Please don't be mad at me," She said.

Axelrod turned around cupping her face in his hands.

"How could I be angry with such a cute face," He said planting a quick kiss on her lips.

They get interrupted by Axelrod's horse or as Axelrod said, little Axelrod. He walked around in circles while bleating out.

"He found her scent," Axelrod said.

"Great then let's go find her," Alina lets out.

"We found a scent," Axelrod shouts out to the others.

Kai and Ken both get on their horses and then ride over to them.

"There is no time to lose so we better set out," Ken said.

Axelrod helped Alina get on her horse.

"Can I just come along!" Eden said, staring at them. "Mia is just as important to me as she is to all of you".

"Eden coming along might put our child at risk," Ken lets out.

"Ken is right we can not risk the life of an unborn child here," Alina said to Eden who nodded in understanding.

"Fine, I won't come along but please return safely with Mia," She said to them.

They all nod at Eden then ride off. They ride down a path in silence.

Alina leads her horse towards Kai.

"Hey," She said, making Kai look up at her. He had shock written all over his face.

"What's with that look?" Alina inquired and Kai replied.

"Nothing! It's just I thought you hated me".

"I would never hate you, Kai! I might get angry and scream at you but that doesn't mean I hate you," Alina said. "I'm sorry for everything I said that night".

"I'm the one who should say sorry here!" Kia said. "I ruined your peaceful and happy relationship with Mia".

Alina watched Kia as warm tears slide down her face. Kai is like a brother to her and she valued him as much as she valued Mia.

"You don't have to cry for me Alina," Kai said while watching Alina in tears.
"I knew what I was getting myself into! But I still fell for you".

"I'm sorry," Alina managed to say in between sobs. "I'm sorry for causing you all so much pain".

Kai stretched out his hands. He wiped the tears off Alina's face while their horses continued moving.

"It's not your fault, So please don't say that Alina," Kai said to Alina, who nodded. She held his hand which rested on her face.



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