🌼Axora Kingdom🌼

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Alina sits in an ice garden throwing stones. She was enraged with the fact that Axelrod kept her hostage.

She hears footsteps approach her, but ignores them throwing more stones.

"Alina!" Eden calls out while walking up to Alina.

Alina turns around to see Eden smiling at her.

"What do you want now?" She inquired, turning her attention back to her stones.

"I'm just here to keep you company, so calm down," Eden lets out.

Alina ignored her, staring at the river.

"You know Lucas also destroyed my tribe as well," Eden confessed.

"I was the only one who survived it all."

"Sorry about that," Alina mumbled out with her eyes still focused on the river.

"It's fine, I'm slowly getting over the fact that I'm all alone," Eden confessed with a smile.

"No one gets used to such nonsense Eden," Alina lets out. "I know what it feels like to lose everyone you've ever known."

"I was bestowed to Ken before the entire situation, so I guess I'm not all alone," Eden said.

"He has done everything to make me feel better and forget my people were gone".

"That is a good thing," Alina said while still focused on the river.

"Why do you reject your position as a goddess?" Eden inquired

"I never wanted this position," Alina confessed. "I tried everything possible to not be made goddess, but my mother insisted on it ".

"Thanks to being a goddess I had to watch my tribe destroyed. My mother was killed and I've been continuously hunted for years by my sister," Alina replied.

"Why should I be interested in something that is only going to bring problems to me".

Eden looked up at her.

"I know what will get your mind off things," Eden said, smiling brightly at Alina.


A while later Mia, Eden, and Alina walk down a snowfield all dressed in white cloaks.

"We've been walking for a long time," Alina lets out. "I hope you have no intention of getting us kidnapped again."

"We've arrived," Eden announced.

Mia and Alina looked up in amazement.

"Woahhhh," They both say while staring at some black beautiful snow swings.

"Swing!!!" Mia shouted out while running over to sit on one of the swings. Alina and Eden follow behind.

"Who would believe Axora kingdom has such an amazing place," Alina said with a smile.

"We have so many beautiful places at ice kingdom," Eden explained. "This is just one of the many places".

"Since we're staying here from now on, you can show us all of them," Mia said happily.

"We're leaving soon so there is no point in seeing them," Alina announced to Mia whose face falls.

The girls both remain silent.

Eden builds a snowball and then throws it at Alina.

"Hey!!!" Alina yelled out while looking up at Eden. She was in fits of laughter.

Alina bends down making a snowball which she threw back at Eden.

"Ahhh" Eden screamed out.

She gazed up at Alina who sticks her tongue out.

Mia laughs at Eden's reaction.

Eden builds another snowball, but this time she throws it at laughing Mia.

"Oh It's so on," Mia declared.

They all made snowballs throwing them at each other while laughing and running around happily.


After a while of playing in the snow, the ladies head back to the palace. Eden comes by, handing hot tea to Mia and Alina.

Mia and Alina take the tea and then thank Eden for it. Just then, Ken walked in wrapping his hands around Eden's waist.

"I'm back," He said planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Aww," Mia lets out while smiling at the couple. Alina just drank her tea ignoring the two.

"How long have you two been married?" Mia inquired.

"It's been quite long," Eden answered.

"I wish to someday get married and have a relationship like yours," Mia said with a smile.

"Well, whatever man that comes for you better meet up to my demands," Alina declared.

"If he doesn't, you'll end up staying with me for the rest of your life".

"You're joking right?".

"I don't joke Mia?" Alina said staring up at Mia. Eden and Ken burst into laughter.

"I like these two," Ken said while still laughing.


Things are getting tense on the battlefield, Can Axelrod and Kai manage to stop Aliya and Lucas? Find out in my next update

I also want to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported my book this far🙏🙏thanks and I love you all so much❤️

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