🌼Something in the dark🌼

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Alina awakens to the sound of someone screaming out in pain. She scrambled out of bed and then rushed out of her chamber.

She made her way down the dark palace hallway, stopping at a huge door.

Pushing the door open, Alina breathes out in relief when she sees Mia laying fast asleep.

She shut the door behind her and then head down the dark hallways again.

Following the sounds, she stops in front of a door where the scream seemed to be coming from.

She stared at the door considering if to go in or not.

After long consideration, she pushed the door open and then walk into the Chamber.

It was dark and completely silent.

"Is someone in here?" Alina asked while stepping in.

The doors slammed shut behind her. She glanced around the dark chamber in silence.

"Is someone here?" She inquired again but gets no response.

Looking around she hears the sound of something hitting the ground.

"I want to help so please show your face".

Gazing around, Alina hears something roar and then jump out of the dark.

It hits her to the ground and she groans out in pain from her body hitting the ground.

She opened her eyes to see the figure who ambushed her. It was a white-haired demon with blue skin.

His eyes were glowing red with sharp claws sticking out of his fingers.

The demon roared out and then launched towards Alina. He tries to hit her with his claws, but she rolled out of harm's way.

Alina gets up running for the exit. She tried to open the door, but the demon yanked her back. It threw her across the room.

Landing on the ground, Alina sat up, groaning out in pain. She looked up to see the demon lunch towards her again.

It was ready to attack her with its claws, but she got up running out of harm's way.

She concealed herself behind a huge box while the lights around her suddenly went on.

The demon walks over, sniffing the entire place. Alina's heart pounded in fear as the demon glanced around.

At this point, she was regretting walking out of bed. She should have just stayed quietly in her chamber.

Just while Alina mentally blamed herself the demon appears before her. It grabbed her by the neck and then lift her mid-air.

She swiftly hits it on the chest, making it release her in the process. Landing on her feet, she manipulates the water in a bowl.

She blasts this water at the demon, who goes flying to the ground after being hit by Alina's attack.

She turned to leave but stop, turning back to the demon.

For some reason, it seemed familiar to her. He growls out hitting Alina to the ground again.

The demon sat on her. She grabbed the demon's hand struggling to get him off while they struggled.

She noticed its claw cut her on the face but continued to struggle with the demon, who roared out while attempting to bite her.

After much struggle, Alina gives up.

She knew she wouldn't be able to stop it and so accepted defeat. She shuts her eyes waiting for the demon to feast on her.

At least it would end this miserable life of hers. She remained silent, waiting for impact. However, nothing happened.

Instead of pain, she felt a hand cup her face. This hand felt warm on her skin and it somehow calmed her tensed body.

"I'm sorry little one. I never wanted you to see me this way".

She opened her eyes, staring at the person who had just spoken.

The demon was gone and somehow replaced with a handsome white-haired man.

He looked perfectly sculptured with
white short hair and straight eyes that complimented his almond grey eyes.

Alina gazed at this man completely mesmerised. He was young. Older than her but young.

From his appearance and heavily built body. He seemed around the same age as her.

She kept staring at the man before her not noticing that he was healing the bruise on her face.

"Your cuts are gone," The figure whispered to Alina, who gave him a confused look.

She placed her hand on her face, noticing the cuts were gone.

"Thank you," She lets out while still staring at the man.

He was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her skin.

His pretty grey eyes explored her face and then slowly trailed down her body. Her eyes did the same as she studied his appearance.

He was absolute perfection. And the fact that his upper body was exposed made him look even more gorgeous.

 And the fact that his upper body was exposed made him look even more gorgeous

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