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Alina, Kai, Ken, Mia and Eden all gaze at the demons surrounding them. Alina, Mia and Eden were petrified by the number of demons around them.

They had never encountered such.

"Alina, you and Mia take Axelrod to the save house!" Kai lets out.

"I am not leaving you all to face this alone," Alina responds.

"Getting you and Axelrod to safety is more important!" Kai explained to Alina who shook her head, refusing to leave.

"No, I can't leave!" She shouted out.

"Alina," Eden and Ken attempt to speak, but She cuts them short.

"No! we are in this together and I am not leaving you all alone!!".

"Alina!!" They all turn around to see general Mako match out with his men all holding swords.

"You see Alina, we're not alone," Eden lets out. "Now please go to the safe house".

Alina nodded then take Mia's hand leading her into the carriage. Mia got into the carriage while Alina climbed on the horse. She gazed back at the others.

"Be careful all of you!" She said.

"And don't disappear on me again!" Alina said referring to General mako and the soldiers.

"I just got you all back and I don't want to lose any of you again."

The soldiers smiled at Alina.

She gave Kai, Eden and Ken one last look and then rides off into the forest.

She hurried the horses towards the north, heading for the safe house Kai told her about.

Moving further into the night, Alina caught glimpse of Elder San and Sami blocking her path.

"Sister, what's going on?" Mia inquired while looking out of the carriage.

"Sit tight and hold on to Axelrod".

She lets out while riding the horse towards the Elders with speed. She was gladly willing to hit them out of the way.

The two stretched out their hands, blasting green flames at Alina.

Stretching her right hand out Alina developed a water force field that blocked their attack while her other hand pulled the carriage to a stop.

"Sister, are you okay?" Mia asked, stepping out of the carriage.

Alina sat in silence, watching the elders revamp into two demon girls exactly like the one she killed in the tent. They had the same marks, tattoos and red glowing eyes.

She noticed Mia move back in shock while watching the Elders turn into demons.

"Stay with Axelrod, I'll handle this!" She said jumping off the horse.

Alina generates a huge amount of water, blasting it at the demons. They dodged her attacks landing on their feet then got up blasting fire at her.

Alina blocked this attack with a water forcefield.

The demons pulled out swords swinging them at Alina, who dodged their attacks. However, one of the demons hit her on the chest with their fire powers and she went crashing into a tree.

"Sister!" Mia yelled while running up to Alina.

"Are you okay?" She asked, helping Alina sit up.

"I'm fine Mia," Alina replied.

She looked up to see the demons about to hit Mia with their swords.

"Mia!!" Alina shouted out then push Mia to the ground.

She shielded Mia from the swords which penetrated her back instead.

Alina screamed out in pain from the sword piercing into her back.

"Sister!!" Mia called out while watching her fall to the ground in pain.

Mia got up blasting green flames at the demons, but they dodged her attacks continuously.

Alina watched as Mia jumped on one of the demons and then stabbed it in the eye with her dagger.

She jumped off the demon and then land on her feet, blocking the attack of the other demon who blasted fire at her.

She hadn't noticed how skilful Mia had gotten in combat.

Alina groaned out in immense pain while clenching her chest and coughing out blood. She hits the ground in pain, realising the swords had poisons on them.

Stretching her hands to the swords, Alina began to pull them out one by one. She screamed in tremendous pain with each pull.

After pulling the swords out, Alina staggered up to find one of the Demons holding Mia onto a tree while the two claws pierced into her stomach.

"Mia!!" Alina screamed out in panic.

She picked up her sword, staggering toward the demons. Closing the distance she lifts her sword piercing one on the back.

It roared out in pain and then fell to the ground dead.

Seeing the demon dead, Alina fell to her knees, groaning out in pain.

"Sister!!" Mia cried out while laying on the ground weak.

"Don't worry Mia, I'm fine," Alina assured.

She glanced up distracted by the sounds of footsteps behind her. Alina turned around to find the other demon heading toward her.

"Sister!!" Mia called out, trying desperately to get up. However, she was too weak to move.

"Mia run away! I'll distract it!" Alina yelled out while staggering up to her feet.

She ran deep into the forest with the demon hot on her trail.

Alina picked up running even faster, but she stumbled over a rock and then fell to the ground.

Groaning out in pain, she managed to get up again. however, the demon grabbed her by the hair and then flings her to the ground.

It walked up to her, lifting her mother's sword to hit her. Alina shut her eyes waiting for impact.

Blood splashed on her face, but she felt no pain.  She opened her eyes to see Axelrod.

"Axelrod" She called out while staring at him in shock.

Hey hey, it's another chapter and I would love to get your opinions on it.

###############################Hey hey, it's another chapter and I would love to get your opinions on it

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