🌼Facing the enemies🌼

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Kai watched Axelrod transform into the blue demon.

"Axelrod!!!" He yelled out while trying to get up to his feet.

He's attempts fail with his body too weak from Lucas's attack.

He watched Axelrod howl out and then blast some sort of force hitting Lucas and Aliya to the ground.

Lucas got up to attack him, but Axelrod grabbed him by the neck and then lifted him effortlessly.

He tosses him aside.

"Axelrod!!!" Aliya called out while blocking Axelrod from hurting Lucas any further.

"It's me Aliya, please get back to your senses".

Kai scowls at Aliya's actions. What made her think, he would listen to her of all people.

Axelrod roared out. He hits her in the guts with so much force that she goes crashing to the snow-covered ground.

Seeing her down, he jumped on her piercing his claws into her shoulder.

Aliya lay on the ground, screaming out in pain.

"Aliya!!!" Lucas called out.

He sat up, tossing Axelrod off her.

Kai watched Axelrod land on his feet and then looked up, attempting to attack them again.

Before he could strike the blow, Axelrod suddenly fell to his knees, clutching his chest in pain.

"Axelrod!!" Kai called out while struggling to pull himself up.

Getting up, he began staggering towards Axelrod, but before he could get any closer. Lucas hits him on the injured side.

He fell to the ground groaning out in pain.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to get Axelrod out of his misery," Lucas said while smirking at Kai.

He picked up his sword, heading toward Axelrod.

"No please!!!" Kai yelled out, begging Lucas.

He even began crawling down the snow-covered ground to get to his friend. They couldn't afford to lose him a second time.

Luckily a sword flew in, hitting Lucas's sword away.

Kai breathes out in relief knowing Axelrod was safe.

"My mother's sword," Aliya uttered while staring at the sword which lay on the ground.

She watched as the sword flew back into Alina's hands.

"Hello sister," Alina said, smiling at Aliya who stared at her in shock.

It had been years, but Alina could still feel the hate in her eyes.

"Alina!" Axelrod called out while still in pain.

"Axelrod!!!" Alina yelled out, quickly running over to him.

"Axelrod, I'm so sorry for running off," She said holding him in her arms.

"How could you let yourself get this hurt. You are supposed to be strong you know".

"I'm fine. Nothing hurts now that you're here," Axelrod managed to say while in pain. One could tell how happy he was to see her with the smile planted across his face.

"Kai!!" Mia yelled out.

She ran over to Kai, who watched the two from the ground.

"What did they do to you?" She inquired while staring at him.

Demons (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now