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Mia woke up to find herself lying in bed.

She sat up, taking in her environment. It wasn't familiar. She remembered being in the forest with Alina.

She quickly sat up at the thought of Alina still fending off the demons alone.

Getting up, she finds the Fairy girl from last time sitting in her window.

"Why are you here?" She asked while staring at the girl.

"I came to check on you," She said to Mia, who stared at her confused.

"You and Alina were ambushed by demons, right?"

Mia gave her an even more confused look.

"It seems you still haven't grasped the situation," The girl smiled.

"What is your name?" Mia asked.

"Maya! I'm a dark fairy," The girl replied.

"Oh, I'm Mia," Mis said.

"I know that," Maya lets out. "I also know you're a royal fairy, who is friends with the water goddess and in love with the ice god, Kai".

Mia stared at the girl in silence. She couldn't understand how she knew so much. They weren't even close.

"Don't give me that look! I was just trying to know the only surviving fairy after me," Maya explained. "One piece of advice though".

"Be careful," Maya mumbled out.

"Of what?" She inquired.

"Alina!" Maya said.

"She's the kind who steals what belongs to others. I can see she has eyes on your Kai".

"Firstly, Kai isn't mine and second. Sister isn't like that. She would never do a thing like that," Mia shouted out.

"If she could do it to her sister then you won't be an exception," Maya lets out then turned around jumping off the window.

Mia stared at the window in silence.


Alina walked into the kitchen to find Mia cutting vegetables.

"Sister you're here," Mia said, struggling to cut the vegetables.

"What're you doing?" She asked while watching Mia.

"I promised Kai I would make dinner myself but, I don't even know where to start," Mia lets out.

Alina chuckled while watching Mia struggle with the vegetables.

"Let me have that!" She said, taking the knife from her. "Go get the fire ready".

Alina said then commenced cutting the vegetables.

After a long while of cooking, Alina placed the food on the table.

"This looks delicious sister," Mia said inhaling the scent of the food.

"What is that delicious scent I perceive?" Ken inquired while walking into the kitchen with Kai, Eden, and Axelrod.

Demons (Part 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora