🌼Left Alone🌼

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💮🌸Chapter Six🌸💮


"Aliya!" Alina called out while staring at her sister.

She attempts to walk up to her, but Arya holds her back.

"What do you want from us?" Arya asked while shielding Alina. She had a look of disgust on.

Alina stared at her mother and sister confused. She couldn't understand why Arya would protect her from her own sister.

Aliya gave no response. She just stared at them in silence.

"You know exactly what we want Arya,"

A voice said from behind the bushes.

Alina looked up to find a man stepping out of the bushes.

He had midnight black hair and was adorned in a black tunic shirt with black Pants.

"Give us the sword and no one else gets hurt".

Alina stared at Arya who glared at the man in a rage. She couldn't make out who the man was, but she could tell her mother wasn't fond of him.

"You will never get it!!" Arya yelled out.

"I don't know how you managed to survive Lucas."

"But you destroyed my kingdom and for that you deserve death"

She plunged forward, generating large amount of water behind her.

Arya blasts this water at Lucas, who dodged her every attack.

She ran forward, blasting more water at Lucas but he dodged every single one of her attacks.

She effortlessly grabs him by the neck and then pins him to a tree with one hand. Her other hand lifted her sword to stab Lucas but she stopped, hearing Alina scream.

She turns around to find Aliya grabbing Alina by the hair while holding a dagger over her neck.

"Let go of my daughter!" Arya yelled out.

She lets go of Lucas, turning around to face Aliya.

She tries to walk up to Aliya but stops when Lucas hits her injured side.

Arya fell to the ground, clutching her side in pain.

"Mother!!" Alina cried out while watching her mother fall on her knees.

"As much as you hate to accept it. I am also your daughter!" Aliya Mumbled out while staring at Arya who lays on the ground in pain.

"A da--ugh--ter won't a--ttac--k her mo--ther and be--tray her people!" Arya stuttered out in pain while looking up at Aliya.

"You all betrayed me first!" Aliya yelled out. "I should be goddess but you all choose a weak child over me".

"I worked hard to prove to you that I was capable of being a goddess. But she..." Aliya said, grabbing Alina's hair even harder.

Alina screamed at the sudden increase in pain.

"This little brat gets all the attention".

"Alina has nothing to do with this," Arya tried to explain, but she gets cut short by Aliya.

"She has everything to do with it mother!" Aliya yelled out. "You never gave me the attention you gave her".

"Enough with the long talk," Lucas cuts the women short. "We came here for the sword, so focus on that!"

He bends over picking up Arya's sword.

"A-li-ya, yo-u do-n't kn--ow wha-t yo-u're do-ing!" Arya stuttered out in pain.

"Tha-t ba-stard is o-nly go-ing to bri-ng des-tru-ction to yo-u a-nd the en-tire world".

"Sister!" Alina called out in tears. "Mother and I, are the only family you have. Do not let him..."

She stopped talking when Lucas Pierce Arya's chest with her sword.

Arya gasped at the sudden pain, hitting her. She had her mouth wide open while groaning out in pain.

"Like I said. Enough with the long talk," Lucas pulled the sword out while Arya screamed out in pain.

"Mother!!!!!!" Alina called out in tears while watching her mother crutch her chest in pain.

She tosses and struggles to get out of Aliya's hold but couldn't.

"If--- yo---u ki---ll me, the--re wi--ll be some--one else to ge--t ri--d of you Lu--cas," Arya stuttered out, crutching her chest in pain.

"I will be waiting to kill that person as well," Lucas said with a smirk.

He pierces the sword into Arya's chest once more.

Alina shouts out helplessly at the attack. She tosses and kick but Aliya holds on to her tight.

She watched as Arya screamed out in tremendous pain for a long while and then fell to the ground completely lifeless.

Seeing her mother's lifeless body, Alina went silent. Her heart ached like it was being stepped on.

"Mother!" She called out to Arya but got no response. "Mother!!!!"

She screamed out in pain while tears poured down her face. The thought of Arya being dead made her furious.

Her eyes and entire body glowed blue as a large amount of water built up behind her.

"Get rid of the brat already!" Lucas yelled at Aliya, who lifted the dagger to stab Alina.

Before she could, the water hits both her and Lucas away.

They struggle to fight the water current but it washed them away like a flood washing off the earth.

Everything returned to normal after a while and Alina looked up to find the entire forest in ruin.

Lucas and Aliya were gone.

She stumbled over to Arya who lay on the ground dead. Her eyes were filled with tears watching her mother lay dead.

Arya was the only family she had. What was she to do next?

The little lad pushed and shook Arya's body repeatedly. She hoped it would get her up, but nothing happened. Arya lays completely lifeless.

She wept knowing there was nothing she could do to bring her mother back. Arya was now gone forever.

She held Arya in her arms crying bitterly. She had lost her.

 She had lost her

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