🌼Secret Message🌼

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Axelrod stepped into his chamber to find Alina fast asleep. She was sitted on a wooden chair with her head resting on the wooden table in front.

He watched her sleep and a smile spreads across his face. She looked like the innocent little angel he met at the temple.

Her eyes slowly opened, revealing the beautiful blue eyes he adored.

"Axelrod, what took you so long?" She asked, still in her sleepy state. He smiled at how adorable she looked.

"I'm sorry little one! Kai and I had so much to talk about," He said, lifting her bridal style.

Making his way to his bed, Axelrod placed her down. He climbed to the bed, lying next to her.

"Did he tell you what was wrong?" Alina inquired, snuggling up to him.

"He insisted it was nothing," Axelrod answered.

Watching her in his arms. Axelrod smiled, knowing she was all his.

"Little one!" Axelrod called out.


"I'll be leaving tomorrow," He announced and this made Alina sit up.

"What do you mean you're leaving tomorrow?" She inquired.

"I have to handle certain things with the Elders" Axelrod replied.

"Axelrod, I just got you back and now you're telling me this," She said staring at him.

He could sense she was in rage. Her entire body radiated of it.

Axelrod pulled her back into his arms. He placed a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Little one, I've been away from my duties for too long," He said.

"The Elders seem to be in trouble and they need me".

Alina lets out a heavy breath and he could tell she had calmed down a little.

He found it hard to leave, but he couldn't just ignore his duties. He had been away from them for too long.

Now that his healthy. He needed to put things in their right place and also get rid of Lucas and his demons for good.

"I promise I'll be back in no time" Axelrod whispered while planting another kiss on her lips.

"How long will you be away?" She asked.

"For about five days," Axelrod said to Alina and she remained silent.

He could tell she didn't like him leaving.

"I know, I always pushed you away in the past. But presently, I don't want to be away from you. Even if it's for a day," Alina confessed.

"I won't hold you back though. Because I know it's important you leave".

Axelrod stared at his lovely bride whose gaze was focused on her fingers. He loved how important he was becoming to her.

He leaned in planting another kiss on her lips. It was quick.

"I promise you that on the fifth day. I'll be back!" Axelrod assured.

Just then Ken walked into the room.

"I brought the letter you asked for," Ken announced while walking in.

"Thank you, Ken," Axelrod said, taking the letter from him.

Ken nodded at this and then walk out of the chamber.

"What's the letter about?" Alina inquired.

"It's a letter the elders sent while I was unconscious," Axelrod said.

"I have a feeling there's more to it".

He unwrapped the letter, staring at it.

"I don't see anything more to the letter," Alina lets out while looking closely at the letter.

"Don't rush to a conclusion, little one" He said then get off the bed.

He walked up to a bow of water, placing the letter inside.

"What are you doing? That's going to destroy the letter," Alina yelled out.

"Calm down little one," Axelrod said, pulling the letter out of the water.

Lifting the letter, Alina's eyes widened in surprise.

She noticed hidden words start to appear at the back of it.

"Woah! How did you do that?" She asked, staring at Axelrod in shock.

"It's a way the elders and I exchange secret messages," Axelrod replied.

He began reading the content of the letter along with Alina.

Your majesty, we sent this secret message to alert you of the situation of things. Your uncle Lorin forcefully took us, hostage, because we refused to crown him king of gods after you.

He allied with Lucas and as we speak. They plan on resurrecting Amon.

Axelrod tensed up in rage, but Alina held on to his hand. He relaxed with this action.

"Rescue the Elders first, we can handle the resurrection later on".


Hey guys I will love to get your opinions on this chapter 🙏❤️

Hey guys I will love to get your opinions on this chapter 🙏❤️

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