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Aliya grabbed Axelrod by the hair, making him look up at Lucas, who pulled the sword out of his side. Kai screamed out in pain with this

"Kai!!!" He called out while trying to fight the pains in his body.

He watched desperately as Lucas lifts his sword again. He was getting set to slash Kai a second time.

"I can still help you," Aliya lets out. "Axelrod all you have to do is accept me".

"I still love you and I always will," She leaned in to kiss his lips.

"Aliya!!!!" Lucas yelled out in rage.

He tossed Kai aside and then headed toward the two.

Getting closer, he yanked Aliya away from Axelrod.

"What are you doing?" Lucas yelled out.

Axelrod couldn't make out anything going on around him. He felt the pains in his body increase. His intestines began to burn up as his eyes turned red, with claws digging out of his fingers.

Aliya and Lucas moved back, shocked at the transformation. They watch him slowly transform into the blue demon.


Alina stood at the entrance of a cave watching the sun slowly fade while darkness took over.

With her powers, Alina could see visions of everything going on at Axora.

Axelrod wasn't doing well. Sooner or later his body would give up. She couldn't understand why he would fight Lucas in such a state.

Her thought got interrupted by the sounds of footsteps behind her. She turned around to find Mia getting up.

"What are you doing?" Alina asked, gazing up at her.

"Going back," Mia replied.

She got up heading for the exit, but Alina held her back.

"You're going to leave me for them?" Alina inquired.

Mia had never gone against her words. She had always wanted to be with her no matter what. But today she was willing to abandon her for others.

"Sister! I don't want to abandon you," She lets out.
"But this is the only way to get you to your senses".

"Sister, how can you think of abandoning the people who have treated us well?" Mia inquired while staring at her.

"Mia we're not abandoning anyone," Alina lets out. "I'm trying to save our lives here".

"No! You're only being selfish and heartless."

Alina slapped Mia across the face with her words.

Mia looked up at her. She could see the shock written all over her face. Today was the first time she raised her hands on her.

"Don't you dare talk to me in that manner, Mia!" She yelled out. "Everything I'm doing is for your good!".

"I have no other family except for you Mia," She said. "And that is why I'm doing everything I can to keep you safe".

Alina explained as tears poured down her face. She failed to protect Arya, but she won't fail with Mia.

"Sister, I'm sorry," Mia said as tears poured down her face as well. "I didn't mean to hurt you, but we can't leave".

"Think about Kai and the others. We have been with them for the past few days," Mia lets out. "You can't tell me you don't worry about them".

She puts Alina's hands in hers.

"I know you love Axelrod even if u badly try to hide it," Mia explained to Alina, who looked up at her.

"You may want to deny it, but deep down you're worried about him".

"Sister, Think of everything he has had to go through for your all of us. He fought an enemy that put him in the condition he is today," Mia explained

"He did that just so he could protect every one of us."

"You know he almost died because of that. If you don't care about them, then think of me".

"Would you want to lose me?".

"No," Alina mumbled out, pulling Mia into an embrace.

"No! I won't let anything happen to you," She said while holding Mia in her arms. She had tears rolling down her face.

She felt all alone the day she lost Arya. Losing her only family left a scar that Mia slowly healed.

She couldn't imagine a life with Mia gone.

"Then we can't keep running. You have to stand up and face Aliya," Mia lets out.

"Please do this for me, for the world and for poor Axelrod, who keeps sacrificing his life to protect you and the world".

" Please assist him as you should".

Alina shuts her eyes thinking back to the past few days with Ken, Kai, Eden, and especially Axelrod.

She couldn't deny the fact that she felt something for him. She couldn't tell if it
was love though.

Alina opened her eyes. Bending over, she picked up her mother's sword.

"What are you doing?" Mia inquired while watching Alina.

"I'm going to save our new family," Alina answered Mia, who smiled.

She ran over, pulling Alina into a hug.

"Thank you sister," She said, hugging Alina tight.

"No Mia, I should be thanking you instead," Alina lets out. "Thank you for being the sister Aliya failed to be".

She pulled out of the hug and then wipe the tears off her face.

"Come on, let's go shock my older sister," She said smiling at Mia, who smiled back at her.

She was finally ready to face her sister.

She was finally ready to face her sister

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