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💮🌸Chapter Nine🌸💮


"You all are useless!" Aliya yelled at the guards before her. Anger radiated all over her.

"We're sorry Miss," The guards announced, bowing to Aliya.

"All these years and you still can't find one little brat!" Aliya yelled out in rage.

She couldn't understand why finding her sister was so hard. She was just one weak brat.

"She's just a little brat who knows nothing about survival. Finding her shouldn't be taking too long," She shouted at the guards.

"We've searched everywhere, but finding her has proven to be difficult,"  One of the guards explained.

Aliya grabbed him by his amour and then pull him closer to her.

"If you can't do the work then send out demons, you moron!" She yelled out.

"Aliya, stop shouting already!" Lucas lets out while looking up from the book in his hands.

"I won't give up till Alina is found," Aliya declared, letting go of the guard she was holding on to.

"As you said, she's a little brat. Finding her shouldn't be hard," Lucas lets out. "We'll get her sooner or later".

"I want her dead. Only when she's dead will I be satisfied".

Lucas stared at her in silence. She could sense he was suspicious of her.

"I'm beginning to think there's something else involved in this little hatred of yours," He lets out.

Aliya went stiff at his words. She didn't want him to find out the true reasons for her hatred. She had managed to keep it hidden for so long.

"Get out and keep searching for Alina," She said to the guards.

They all get up, heading out.

"Are you going to give me an answer?" Lucas inquired.

He looked at Aliya, who turns around to face him.

"There is nothing else involved".

Lucas smirked at Aliya's response.

He set his book aside then gets up to his feet.

"Then explain to me why you asked your maid to get information on Axelrod," Lucas inquired.

He had his gaze focused on Aliya, who went stiff for a second time.

"It's none of your business Lucas," She replied, masking her shock.

Lucas walks up to her.

"Everything about you is my business," He declared. "You're mine and therefore it concerns me".

Aliya moved uncomfortably under Lucas's stare. She couldn't tell him the truth. it would only make him furious.

"I don't have time for this Lucas," She said, turning around to leave but in a flash Lucas appeared in front of her.

He grabs her by the neck, pressing it hard.

"Do not test my patience Aliya! I love you but I am no fool," Lucas yelled out in rage. He had his eyes glowing red.

"I know about your little feelings for Axelrod. I also know you hate Alina because she ended up being his bride".

"Since you know, why ask!" Aliya yelled back at him.

Lucas lets go of her and she falls to the ground, struggling to catch her breath.

"We need your mother's sword and a fairy for awakening Amon," He lets out, adjusting the black linen robe he had on.

"This is exactly why we need to find Alina," Aliya responded. "She has the sword and..."

"We don't have time to waste Aliya!" Lucas yelled out, cutting her short. "I need to get Amon up at all cost."

"Last time I checked you destroyed fairy tribe and every being in it," Aliya announced. "How do you expect we find a fairy".

"I'm sure we can find one or two who survived my ambush?" Lucas replied, making his way up to Aliya.

"And also," He said, grabbing Aliya's face hard.

"Forget whatever feelings you have for Axelrod," He declared. "He was lucky to survive the attack at the temple, but once I find him. He'll be dead".

Lucas said to Aliya then turn around storming out of her chamber.

Aliya stared at her floor in silence. She had told herself to forget Axelrod, but it wasn't easy. She couldn't even hate him for choosing Alina over her.

She should be the one he loves and spends his entire life with. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get his attention.

It enraged her more when she found out he choose Alina to be his bride. She hated Alina for stealing their mother's love, but ignored it and pretended to like her.

But when Axelrod choose her. She went mad with rage and jealousy. She couldn't let Alina steal Axelrod as well. Even if it meant killing her a thousand times. She won't let her win.

 She won't let her win

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