🌼Below the mountains🌼

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Alina sat in a horse carriage with Ken, Kai, Eden, and Mia. They had been on the road for a while and It was gradually getting dark outside.

Their carriage passed through a destroyed city gate and into a place Alina knew all too well.

She could feel her body grow tense as tears poured down her face. They were currently passing by the place she once knew as her home.

The once lively and colourful Methal tribe was now left in ruins.

"Alina!" Kai called out, sensing her mood.

"This was my home! I learned how to walk and talk here," Alina said.

"I still remember how I would sneak out to play and when mother found out, she would run out the palace abandoning her queenly duties to make sure I was fine".

Tears continued to roll down her face.

"I also remember she was taken away from me right over here," She said while watching the carriage gallop past the spot her mother was killed.

"Sister!" Mia called out. She pulled her into a hug while in tears.

Mia would always cry whenever Alina was in tears.

"It must have been hard to watch your life destroyed at such an age," Ken lets out while staring at Alina.

"It wasn't just hard Ken! It was hell".


Alina opened her eyes to the sounds of birds chirping. She adjusts her eyes to the morning sunshine. They were still in the carriage.

Alina looks up to find Kai staring at her. He looks away the minute he realised he was caught.

"Hem! We've arrived!" Kai lets out while shifting uncomfortably. "I was going to wake you and Mia, but you both were sleeping so peacefully."

She nodded and then look down at Mia who was still asleep with her head resting on her lap.

"Mia get up we've arrived," She said to Mia, who sat up.

They both make their way out of the carriage.

Alina's heart sank the minute she stepped out of the carriage. They were standing in the same forest and staring at the same mountain her mother brought her to as a child.

"I don't see any temple," Mia asked.

"The temple is over the mountain," Ken replied.

"How do we get Axelrod up a mountain," Mia inquired while staring at the boys.

"Eden will teleport him up there while we climb," Kai said.

Alina stared at the mountain before her as tears poured down her face. She could remember how happy her mother was as she climbed this very mountain.

"Sister this place is just as beautiful as you said," Mia said while smiling at Alina.

Her smile fell the minute she saw Alina in tears. She walked over to Alina and then hold on to her hands.

"Sister please don't cry".

"I'm fine Mia," Alina lets out while choking on her tears.

"I know it's hard to be here without remembering the memories of your mother. But you have to put yourself together Alina," Ken said.

"Thank you," Alina nodded at his words then wipe the tears off her face.

"Who are you people and what're you doing here?"

Alina and the others looked up to see an old man with grey long hair. He had on a white tunic with black loose pants.

The man's grey eyes glared at them.

Alina stared at this man in shock. She recognized him as her mother's right-hand man and the general of her kingdom.

"General Mako!" Alina called out while staring at him in shock.

"How do you know me?" The man inquired.

Alina ran over to the old man. She held his hands with a smile on.

"I can't believe you're alive old man!" She lets out. "Do not tell me you can't recognize me".

"Alina!" The man called out while staring at Alina in disbelief.

"It's me old man," She said.

The old man raised Alina and then twirl her around in joy. She giggled at this.

After twirling, he puts Alina down.

"The goddess is back!!" Mako yelled into the air.

Alina turned around to find some other men who she recognized as soldiers of her kingdom. They all ran over, hugging her in joy.


Alina sat in a tent with Kai, Ken, Mia, and general Mako.

"I can't believe you all are still alive," She lets out. "We all thought you died at war".

"No kid, I managed to escape with a few of our soldiers after the defeat at zincyrus. We returned to Methal and heard what happened with Aliya".

"We searched high and low for you, but couldn't find you. We then decided to camp down here waiting for the day you return to the temple," General Mako said.

"I'm glad to see I'm not the only surviving one of our kingdom," She smiled, responding to him.

"By the way, why are you here?" General Mako asked.

"I came to meet the Elders".

"you are finally accepting to be goddess," Alina nodded in response.

"That is great. But I do not think you should go there," General said.

"Are they still angry about her running away," Kai inquired and the general shakes his head.

"That is not the reason I said so".

"Then why do you say so".

"We got here 10 years ago, we were going to meet the Elders, but noticed something strange," He explained.

"What did you notice?" Mia asked.

"The Elders have been getting visits from Lucas people," He said while everyone stared at him in shock.


"We've noticed soldiers from demon tribe visiting the temple, We've even seen demons move around here".

They all stare at him more confused.

"I think the Elders are working with demon tribe".


Hey, guys so Alina discovered she wasn't the only surviving one from her tribe and we just got informed the elders are working with the demon tribe, how true do you think that is.

Find out on my next update and am super grateful to those who have been supporting me from the very beginning😭😭❤️you guys make me so happy😘😘.

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