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💮🌸Chapter Eight🌸💮


As the years went by, Alina grew up learning to protect herself and Mia from Lucas's demons.

For years, she slaughtered and fought large amounts of demons. And by her 28th year, she had slaughtered thousands of them.

She had grown into a beautiful woman at 28 years and Mia was 22 years.

Alina sat in a forest, sharpening her mother's sword while humming to a tone.

The sword had helped her get rid of numerous demons over the years.

She wasn't strong enough to use her goddess powers. However, with the sword, she was strong enough to protect herself.

She sat on a rock dressed in a white sleeveless that hugged her upper body and exposed her arms. With tight black pants that hugged her thighs.

The warm sun radiated on her exposed arms and her raven black hair was drenched in sweat.


Alina stopped sharpening at the sudden sound of a scream filling the forest. She sat up recognising the voice.

"Miaa!!!" She called out, waiting for a response.

"Mia!!" She called out a second time, but this time received another scream as a response.

Alina picked up her sword, sprinting down the forest. She ran past trees and bushes following the sound of screams.

Following the scream, She ran over to the place where Mia stood.

She stood cornered by some group of three-horned demons.

They were all as black as the night with monstrous looking appearances, 3 yellow eyes and long pointed fangs.

These demons were four in number.

"Destroy Axelrod's bride! Destroy Axelrod's bride!"

Alina watched the demons chant out while circling Mia, who sat on the ground trembling in fear.

Alina lifts her sword, throwing it at the demons.

The sword pierced into the chest of one of the demons, who roared out turning to ashes.

With this, the demons all turn their attention to her.

They roared out at her.

"Destroy Axelrod's bride!"

The demons launched at Alina, who took her battle Stan ready to fight.

One of the demons lifts its hand, trying to hit her but she jumps out of the way dodging its attack.

Another demon plunged at her, but she dodged its attack.

She continuously dodged the demons' attack while gradually heading towards her sword which lay in the corner.

Getting hold of her sword, Alina lifts it stabbing one of the demons in between the eyes.

It turned to ashes the second she pulled out her sword.

Turning to another demon, she ran forward piercing the sword into its stomach.

It roared out and then turned to ashes as well.

"Alina watch out!!"

Mia screamed out and this made Alina turn around.

The last demon jabbed her in the guts and this punch sends her flying into a tree.

She groans out in pain just as her body hit the hard ground.

Alina looked up to find the demon head toward her. It lifts its hand to hit her, but Alina raised her sword piercing it in the chest.

The demon instantly turned to ashes while Mia pulled out the sword.

Alina gets up, running over to Mia.

"Are you okay?" She inquired, staring at Mia who pants heavily.

Mia nodded a response and Alina breaths out in relief. She takes her sword off Mia's hands while Mia smiled.

"What's with the smile?" She inquired with a confused look on.

"You should have seen how amazing you looked while getting rid of the demons," Mia lets out smiling widely. "You were incredible".

Alina chuckled at Mia's words. She then lifts her hand patting Mia's hair.

"Are you sure you're okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?" She asked with a worried look on.

"I'm fine," Mia assured. "See, there are no bruises at all".

She twirls around, assuring Alina she was fine.

"I don't get why they came after you," Alina lets out. "It's me they want, so why did they call you Axelrod's bride."

"Hem! I assume that's because I have your dress on," Mia announced.

Alina gazed at her realising she had her white linen gown on.

"Mia my scent is all over that dress!" She said.

"I just wanted to try it on. I didn't know they would come after me," Mia replied.

"You were not supposed to leave the house without me," Alina yelled out. "What if Lucas had found you".

"I was very careful so he couldn't have," Mia assured.

"We can't take chances, Mia. Lucas armies are growing every day. Promise you won't leave the house without me"

Mia nods responding to Alina, who grabbed her hand.

"Let's get back home".

"Let's get back home"

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