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*In this book gods and goddesses rule over mortal kingdoms. The sky god Axelrod is seen as the overall protector and father of gods and humans.*


The sun had gone to rest as darkness covered the sky. It was a dark and very windy night covered in snow.

The heavy wind rustled through a snow-covered forest, creating a blizzard.

Loud crunchy sounds could be heard across the forest as feet shuffled through the snow-covered ground.

Alina Kirus, a 13-year-old immortal ran down the snow-covered ground trembling in fear.

She had four ferocious beasts chasing after her. They were pitch black as the night with bulging veins, Protruding red eyes and extremely long claws.

These demonic creatures were known as "caslus demons".

They were monstrous creatures known to feast on fleshes of mortals and Immortals.

These demons ran down the forest, chasing after Alina who ran even harder.

She ran as fast as her feet could take her, shuffling through the snow-covered forest.

Her efforts to escape are halted by one of the demons, who jerked her by the hair and then brutally toss her to the ground.

She rolled on the snowy ground groaning out in pain from the impact.

Alina staggered up to her feet only to find the 7ft demons enclosing her.

The young Immortal watched the demons roar out ferociously while circling her. Their fangs plunged out, ready to strike.

She gazed around catching each of their monstrous stares. Her heartbeat raced with the monsters getting closer.

Sweat rolled down her face mixed with the tears that poured down her face. She was horrified by the creatures before her.

She had seen them numerous times but still couldn't get over the frights they gave her.

Seeing no means of escape, Alina took a deep breath.

She pulled out a black dagger with carvings of water. It was a present given to her on her 13th birthday.

Her mother had given it to her for protection.

She always thought it was useless and never thought to use it until this very moment.

For the first time in her 13 years of existence, she had to fight for herself.

Lifting the dagger up, Alina stabs one of the demons in the chest.

The demon staggered back from the impact. Alina looked up excepting the demise of the demon, but to her greatest surprise nothing changed.

The demon stood tall and unaffected by the dagger sticking into its chest. It raised its hand hitting Alina, who went crashing into a tree.

Another demon picked her up by the hair and then smash her face front into a tree.

The demon continued to smash her face into trees while she screamed out in immense pain.

This process continued for a while until the demon tossed her battered body aside.

She layed on the ground covered in blood. Her entire body was in tremendous pain from the attacks.

The young girl looked up to find the demons staring at her. They took steps closer to her.

"St--a---y ba--ck!" She stuttered out while attempting to crawl away. however with her body in so much pain, she couldn't get far.

"Get a--wa--y fro--m me!"

She strived to get up but every attempt failed as her weak body couldn't make it.

"Destroy Axelrod's bride! Destroy Axelrod's bride!" The demons chanted out while stepping closer to her.

"Ple--ase sta--y a--wa--y" Alina continued to stutter out as tears rolled down her blood-covered face.

She never thought her life would become a living hell. She had always been happy with her peaceful life as the favoured daughter of Queen Arya, the water goddess.

But everything changed once she turned 10.

But everything changed once she turned 10

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