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M: Sam! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I ran quickly to her side, then immediately pressed the button to call the nurses attention

I then took Sam's hand and intertwined it on mine again

God! Just like that, I felt all the tiredness gone from my body!
This is what I needed!
Thank you Sam for being okay!

I took her hand and kissed it, rubbing my thumb to slowly calm her down

Sam was agitated
She looked at the hospital room confused and wouldn't stay still
She wanted to take the tubes off her and wanted to leave, but thankfully, she listened when I told her to be stay and be good

She was now looking at me lovingly
I know she wanted to tell me something, but as of the moment, that's not really possible, and she knows that too. That's why she's huffing and puffing her chest like a child pouting

Hahaha Sam is just so cute, especially when she's sulking lol tell me again how this big baby managed to terrorize thousands of people?

Seeing us like this, seeing our hands together and knowing what her presence makes me feel, made me want to get my past self and drown her again

Why did u do such a stupid thing and doubt what u needed?
Sam is all you need! You big dummy!
Nothing else should have mattered
You shouldn't have listened to other people's opinions

M: Love, I missed you!

I then proceeded to touch her cheek and kissed it with all the love that I could muster without crying

So I lingered a couple of seconds too long and closed my eyes to feel her warmth

I want Sam to feel how much I loved her!
I wanted her to be assured that she was and still is what I wanted!
I really wanted to say it all now but with her grandmother hovering close by, and the fact that she can't speak.
This really isn't the most likely of circumstances

So I forced myself to wait

I will make sure to tell you Sam soon and I will make it worth while I promise!

If only the tubes and her oxygen weren't in the way, I would love nothing more than to snuggle up close to her and kiss her in the lips i've missed so much,
I won't be able to stop though
I would want to kiss her until we both lose out breaths and be forced to let go
Then I want to sleep and wake up next to her, inhaling her distinct perfume

Too bad! We can't always get what we want, but I am content that she is safe and alive at least I can be happy with that for now

The doctor then came soon followed by the nurse, who was taking care of Dam since yesterday

They both checked on Sam
They ran some simple tests, checked her temperature and changed her bandages before finally acknowledging our presence

The doctor was young and was friendly
He smiled at me, i'm sure, without any meaning, but this in part earned him a glare from Sam

This made me smile
Sam really never changes.
She's still as jealous and possessive as ever

I just pressed her hand and rubbed my thumb over her palm to appease her

This didn't help much though since the doctor was not taking the hint and was now I think full blown flirting

Ugh! This is not good!

He was not minding the glares coming his way and was still smiling at me

Then, finally he decided to snap out of it and talks about Sam's condition

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now