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Khun Sam stayed with me all the time.

She went wherever I went and did everything to take care of me.

She talked to my doctors, fed me, took me on my daily walks and even helped me study!

This is definitely not normal!
You wouldn't do this for a friend right?

She asked me constantly how I was feeling, asked me if I wanted anything and even came to my therapies and slept in the hospital to be with me.

Saying she was with me all the time was not an understatement, because she really was with me 24/7

Just what is going on?
I thought it would last for a day or a couple of days at most, before she had to leave because after all she said she was my boss.

That means she's pretty busy right? She has a company to run!

But why do I never see her working?

She wasn't leaving my side so how can she even run her company like this?

She hasn't even touched her phone since she came here.

I am so curious about her!
Why do u occupy so much of my mind?
Why can't I stop thinking about u?
Just what were u to me Sam?
And what sort of company do u even run khun Sam?

Is it really ok for you to leave it like this?

I'm feeling guilty!
I love spending time you! I'm happy you're beside me but your company might end up bankrupt like this!

I was comforting myself saying that she was just on a break that she'll probably leave soon. She had to right?

It's impossible to think that she would put her life on hold to stay with me

but it has been three weeks now and she still remains unchanged! She's still by my side!

This is bad I am growing used to her. Will I even be able to take it when she leaves?

No Mon! Stop it! You're overthinking again!

She will leave soon! You have to prepare your heart!
You can't grow too reliant on her! She won't be with you forever!

I kept telling myself that, but I just can't help it sometimes.
I find myself always looking for her.
Just why is this happening?

I need to know!
Just what were we Sam?
Why are u treating me like I am your world?!
You don't say anything but your actions are telling me all that I needed to know.
U care for me.
U love me right?
But what sort of love is this?

It can't be right?
I mean we're both women so it cannot be what I am thinking!

But you can't be just my friend when you treat me like this!
Ugh! I don't know what to think!
I'm wrong right?! I'm just overthinking this!

But I know! I just know she couldn't have been just a friend! She had to be someone more than that! She couldn't have been a nobody when she's treating me like this!
She's putting her life on hold for you Mon! You're not blind! U know! Surely u know!

Ughhhh! These stupid migraines!

Why won't anybody tell me anything?!

I want to remember!
I really do!!


M: Sam
S: hmmm...

(She answered me with another smile. Sam has become even more prettier lately.

The dark circles under her eyes had lessened significantly and she had gained weight.

I think this suits u better Sam.
I don't know what u were going through but I'm happy that you're taking care of yourself more.

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