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S: u seem happy today Mon. What's up?

M: Sam, remember when u said that if it was me i'd be sure to make friends everywhere?

S: of course! It'll be their honor Mon

M: haha well I finally found friends Sam! I'm so happy!

S: how did u end up gaining friends all of a sudden?

M: hey didn't u just say that I would definitely find friends? Why are u questioning me now like it's so surprising?!

S: you're overthinking Mon. I'm just curious that's all. It came all of a sudden after all. Weren't u feeling down yesterday because you were lonely at school?

M: I wasn't lonely!!!

S: haha yeah I misspoke. U just missed me right?

M: you know Sam, lately I find your confidence too overbearing

S: i have all the reasons to be confident :)

M: sigh! Fine! Miss I have everything!

S: I have everything because I have u Mon!

M: you and your coy mouth!

S: I'm serious Mon but anyway going back to your new friends... How did u guys meet?

M: Well we were asked to create a group of 5 for a project

S: hmmm ok and u hit it off from there?

M: yeah! I didn't actually expect that we'll be friends because they seem like a really diverse bunch of people so I thought we would simply do the project and end it at that but they were extremely nice and friendly

S: it's all you Mon.
How can anybody be mean to an angel like you?

M: haha yeah yeah saying that will not help you, you know?

S: I don't need help. I just need you to accept me Mon

M: what are talking about Sam?
Accept what?

S: accept my everything and let me be your everything too. That's all I need

M: you already are :)

S: good! Then let me have ur everything!
It's my turn tonight right?

M: is that the only thing you think about Sam?

S: yes! Everytime I see you, I know I want to have u! Aren't u the same?

M: I am but Sam... Some things are better unsaid. You can just go for it! Seriously!!! Seduce me for once!

S: I want your permission Mon

M: haven't u received it yet?

S: I haven't

M: what kind of permission are u even looking for?!
haven't I seduced u enough Sam?!
I took off my clothes in front of u! I even paraded myself like a hooker waiting to be picked up!
I even begged you! I had forced myself over and over again!!!Didn't ur brain pick up all the signs?!

S: but didn't u take control that night? U didn't allow me to do anything!

M: that's because you were an idiot! You made me do so much when it's my first time! And even when I begged u still denied me!!!

S: i didn't deny u Mon. I just wanted us to take it slow and take our time!
and it's not really your first time Mon.
U just forgot about it but
If u let me, I'll let you remember who knows your body the best!

M: u want us to be slow?
Ok then let's take our time!
U will sleep alone tonight!

S: what?! Why? What did I do again?

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