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I received a call one day and was surprised to hear that it was Sam's grandmother.
I know she said that she accepts our relationship but accepting me is a different matter all together.
All these years we have remained at peace. We have met multiple times over dinner whenever Sam visits her, and I tried to be as warm as possible because I know how much Sam loves her, but there still is a huge gap that I feel with her. It comes from knowing that she hasn't really accepted me yet.

She knows I'm not good enough for Sam. We both know it, but I love Sam too much and I just can't let her go. Maybe one day I can try to let her go, when I'm strong enough and if Sam finds someone better to be by her side.
I'm begging for that time not to be now but i have a bad feeling when it comes to her grandmother. She won't call me for no reason.

I'm overthinking again. I'm panicking.
I'm overwhelmed at the thought of meeting her alone and lying to Sam.
What does she want? Is she asking me to leave Sam again? But why now?
Have I done anything wrong lately?
While I was busy contemplating, an old lady sat at the table in front of me.
I hurried to stand and give my greetings.

G: Sit
M: (awkward silence)
G: you must be wondering why I called you
M: yes ma'am.
G: I'm dying soon.

I don't know what to say. She dropped the bomb on me like it was nothing.
I didn't even see any changes in her facial expressions. Is this hereditary coz Khun Neung and Sam were the same too.
Eerily familiar. It sent shivers down my spine

M: Does Sam know?
G: I wouldn't have called you here if she does
M: (looks down)
G: after so long, you still haven't changed. You're still the same girl you were back then
You still can't even look me in the eye.
M: (looks up) I don't want to be called rude for staring.
G: and that's what your problem is, you care too much about what other people think.
You're too soft to be with Sam. You have nothing to offer her.
M: I thought you already gave your approval
G: I did and now I feel like I shouldn't have. I have given you 2 years
Now tell me what have you done since then?
Sam has expanded her business, she had reached milestone after milestone, numerous awards.
How about u? what have u done?
M: (deep down I knew she was right. That was the same thoughts I had in my head that I kept trying to fight to stay with Sam)
Are you going to ask me to leave Sam again?
G: yes
M: (I felt like my world was crashing down that moment. I knew if she forces Sam to leave me, Sam will always choose her.
I wont ever stand a chance, but this is so cruel. Why allow me to be with Sam only to take her away from me when I have loved her more? Is this a game to her? Is playing with us fun?)
Why? (I said with all the strength that I could muster. I was breaking down and breaking down bad and she knows it. The power she has over me is something that I can never escape from)
G: because you're weak! The you now won't be able to make Sam happy.
M: what do I have to do to change your mind?
G: ( gives a white envelope )
M: what is this? (my hands were shaking! I felt so insulted. I am not with Sam because of her money) I don't need your money! ( I told her)
G: you need it. Take the money, chase your dreams and prove me wrong!
I don't have long to live; I want to make sure I leave Sam with the right one.
The you right is not good enough, so make sure you become one.
I have some conditions. If you choose to accept, I will give you a chance.
If you don't I'll take Sam away from you now.
M: you're really cruel
G: because I have too. This world doesn't have a place for the soft hearted. It is a lesson you have to learn sooner or later.
M: what do I have to do?
G: 1. Leave Sam. Whatever excuse you have to make I'll leave it up to you
2. don't come back until you can be proud of who you've become.
If you show your face to Sam before you've reached your goals, I will not give you another chance.
Even when I am dead, Sam will still obey my wishes so don't test me.
3. tell no one of this deal.
When you come back after seeing the world and reaching your dreams. If by then you still love each other, you can get married then.
If you have a change of heart however, I will consider this money well spent.
Do we have a deal?
M: can you give me more time?
G: 3 months that's all I can give you. ( she then walked away not waiting for my response )
She knew I had to take this deal so she was confident in leaving me broken.


I just want to say thank u for taking the time to read my delusions haha let's dream together :)

Who hates grandma???

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