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Sam washed her face. Her make up now gone replaced by her cute bare faced look.
No matter Sam, you still looked great!

I felt Sam loosening up and that made me happy.
Seeing her suffering alone was too painful

My goal is to let Sam conquer her fear of the water

I can't allow her to be controlled by her past trauma.
I don't know what caused it
All I know is that it is somehow related to me and that made me feel terrible!
Sam has been so much already! She never told me anything but I can tell
I can see it in her eyes every time she thinks i'm not watching
She deserves healing too.
I need to make Sam get out of her comfort zone
She at least needs to try to overcome her fears or else she'd forever be stuck in it

M: Sam, want to get into the water with me?

(And just like that she went pale again! Sigh Sam! Just what can I do for you?)

S: s-surree Mon
(She said while stuttering. She was holding on to the lavatory so tight her hands had gone pale. I quickly came closer and took her hands in mine. Trying to rub her palms, soothing her)

M: Sam, we don't have to if you're not ready

S: no no i'm okay Mon. Let's go

M: are u sure?

S: yeah but now i'm hating the idea more for an entirely different reason

M: hmm? What's up?

S: I really don't like what you're wearing Mon!
People will stare at you even more!

M: do u really expect me to believe that excuse Mon?

S: it's the truth Mon
You know I am a very jealous and possessive person right?
I don't like sharing!
I don't like people staring at what's mine!

M: so am I Sam
I am as possessive and jealous as u. I don't like people staring at u too but you started this first didn't u not?

S: you were the one who chose what i'm wearing Mon. How is this my fault?

M: there were no other decent choices Sam!
I already chose the most conservative one I could find!

S: then should I blame Trina instead?

M: how was this her fault?
You're the one that refused to go to the gift shop!

S: i don't do gift shops Mon!

M: which is why it's your fault Sam!

S: ok i've made up my mind.
It's Trina's fault so I will fire her

M: what? No!!! How could u?! It's not her fault!

S: you're not happy!
She didn't choose the right and appropriate outfit for me so It's her fault. She deserves to be fired

M: Stop Sam! Don't u dare fire an innocent person!
It's your fault for being too hot! Hmph! That reflector was a great idea! I really might just do that too!

S: well Mon, I can't really do anything about being hot i'm born this way

M: ugh! A little humility would have done u good Sam

S: why? I know i'm hot Mon
I hear that all the time

M: from who?

S: from everybody
From my fans, the editors, producers, my friends and people I meet randomly too

M: yeah yeah your ego is up in the sky Sam be careful not to get hit when it comes crashing down one day

S: Mon u should be proud that your girlfriend is hot

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن