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It's been 5 days and Mon hasn't woken up yet.
Each day that passes, our hearts are growing more and more weary.

When we look at Mon. We can't help but ask ourselves if she's still suffering.
If this was what she wanted.
If she still intends to wake up.

We have been begging her everyday to choose to fight! To live but it seems that it's still not working because she never responds.

I have to fight my demons almost constantly.
The thoughts in my head are not going away.
but when I look at Mon, I gain the strength to fight another day.

I can't give up while Mon was still fighting or at least that's what I told myself to spare me from my own misery.

Her condition was stable.

The doctor told us if there's one thing to be thankful for, it's that while she is asleep, she feels no pain and so we wonder if that's the reason why she wasn't waking up...because she's too tired of feeling pain.

We were racking our heads, especially me.
What had caused this?

We were ok.
Everything was going great until she had her first episode that day.

We still haven't told her parents but I don't know if even that was the right thing to do

She didn't want to tell them I argued, but didn't they have the right to know?

They deserved to know as much as I did

I don't know what to do Mon.
Can u please tell me what to do?
I begged but as usual Mon didn't respond.

What are u not telling me Mon?
I have asked this so many times now yet I still have no answers.

What happened that day?

What caused you to break down?

I refuse to believe that there was no cause.

Would u hate me Mon if I try to find out?

Would I be hurting you more if I tried?

The unknown is haunting me and I'm trying to reel down on my curiosity

I was contemplating hiring a private investigator, but i'm torn between satisfying my own greed to know and following ur wish to keep it hidden.

Ughhhh! This is so frustrating!
Just what is it Mon?
What are u hiding from me?
I need to understand!

Should I just follow my heart?
Knowing what happened would give me a clue as to what you're hiding, but is this what you would want?

And just like that another day came where I was unable to do anything. Sigh!

On the 6th day, Mon showed signs of waking up!
We were so elated! I couldn't run fast enough to get the doctor in charge!

Finally! Finally! There was Hope!

Mon are u finally waking up?

I missed you Mon!
You're finally coming back to me!
U don't know how much i've been anticipating for u to finally see me and how much i've changed!

I'm willing to fight for you this time!
I'll make sure the world knows how lucky I am to have u in my life!

Ohhh no! Wait! I haven't prepared the ring yet!
How could I have forgotten?!
Should I ask someone to buy it for me?

No! No!! I have to go buy it myself! Mon deserves the best!
I have to go find it myself!

Let's wait for Mon to wake up, then I'll search for the biggest diamond ring I can find then i'll ask you to marry me!

You'll definitely be happy right Mon?

I'll make sure to make u happy!
Thank u for giving me another chance!

The doctor then came and did some test.
He told us that Mon was now conscious but was not yet fully awake.

She was responding to stimulus which is a good sign.

He then told us Mon will wake up in the next coming days and that absolutely made my day!


I was in a great mood I even sang!

When u wake up Mon i'll definitely sing for you!!!

Mon, wake up faster pls!!!
I'm so happy u came back!
Thank u for fighting!
Thank u so much for coming back!

On the 8th day it finally became a reality!

Mon opened her eyes for the first time and we were all crying for joy!

The doctor came and said the initial tests looked good!
There were still a couple more tests that they had to run but for now he said everything was going well and we can start talking to her little by little.
we just need to avoid hounding and startling her to avoid confusion

He told us that it was typical for people who have just woken up from a coma to be confused at first so we need to be gentle.

So we wanted to approach her slowly.

Her parents allowed me to see her first.
I was thankful! I was dying to see her!

S: Mon... How are u feeling?

She looked at me lazily. Her vision seemed unfocused but that's alright. Let's take it slow!

I tried again. Holding her hand this time trying to comfort her

S: I missed you Mon!

She started looking at my hand and slowly pulled away seemingly repulsed.

It's okay Sam. Take it slow. The doctor said we need to be patient. I can do it! It's fine!

I was trying to force my head to not over react

Calm down Sam, Mon is just confused! She's not avoiding you. She was not upset you held her hand. She was just surprised.
Let's try again! Be patient! Relax!

S: Mon... Do u know where u are?

I waited, 10 seconds... 30 seconds...2 mins and then I finally gave up

Were they sure Mon was ok?

Why isn't she saying anything?!

The doctor said the tests were fine right?!
They said we can start talking to Mon but why is it like this?

Why isn't she answering me?
What's wrong Mon?


How's everyone feeling?

Are u guys happy that Mon is back?

Have any thoughts with how Mon is reacting when she finally woke up?

A penny for ur thoughts?
Tell me how u feel and how u think the story would go from here on out?

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i sincerely want to thank everyone for reading and for supporting me and this story!
It means a lot to me!

Let's just trust the process.
Good things happen to those who wait hahahah

To those who want to follow me, u can search me up on twitter via @SimpLyChA12 or find me via my username goldendarkness101. I use that with all my social media platforms except for facebook 😊

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your overthinking author
Cha 😘

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