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When we arrived in PP's house we could hear Sam's screams and our hearts just dropped!

I knew Something was definitely wrong!
We ran toward PP's voice and saw her crying hysterically on the ground holding Mon.

K: Sam what happened?

(it tooks some time for her to respond to me. She's definitely out of it and that frustrated me! How can u act like this now!)

K: SAM! Snap out of it! What happened? hurry!
Tee call the ambulance! Now!

(I had no patience for her so I hurried to Mon's side and immediately felt that she was not breathing. Ooooohhh Mon! This is bad. Ok pulse, pulse... let's check her pulse. Don't panic!
When I felt that there was a pulse I was relieved! There was a pulse albeit a very faint one but Mon can still be saved if we act fast)

K: Sam I need you to snap out of it! Mon needs you!
Mon is still alive! I felt a pulse!
Have u done CPR yet?
S: No (when she said No i know she just had a sudden realization that she had done nothing to save Mon!!)
J: SERIOUSLY SAM! how can a smart person like u be so stupid like this! How could u just cry and not try to save Mon?

(Sam cried even harder and continuously apologized. Sigh she is so out of it right now. Blaming her won't do anything! Let's just focus on Mon!)

(I understood why Jim lashed out on PP! Everyone would at this stage! CPR is the basics and even kids knew that. How could she not have even tried it and just cried? Geez!

I pushed Sam out of the away and hurried to do CPR trying to do all I can to save Mon! Please Mon fight!

K: Tee how long til the ambulance reaches here?
T: 5 mins (i can see the dread on her face. She knows. She knows Mon doesn't have that time)
K: shit! I don't think Mon can wait!

(I looked at Sam with all the emotion that I could muster and made sure she understood the gravity of the situation. I need her to calm down. I need to be strong for Mon! She can't be breaking down now!)

K: Sam i need you to listen to me very carefully! Mon is still alive! But not for long! I need u to pull urself together and talk to Mon! U need to be strong for Mon! Do u understand?

(I saw the resolution in her eyes and that gave me hope that Sam can do it! She can pull herself together for Mon!
It's mean to force her to do this when she's probably hurting more than anyone right now.  It's harsh. It's too much of an ask, but this is our only chance and we can't lose it! U got to fight too Sam for Mon and for yourself!)

K: i need you to talk to Mon. Stay by her side, she needs u right now Sam!
Will her to stay with us!
Do all u can to save her.
Do u understand?
S: y-y-ye-e-s (she said while choking back tears. This is so painful to watch. Please Mon u have to live. If u die Sam will seriously follow u at this rate and we can't take losing the both of you.
I'm confident that none of you could survive if the other died so you can't do this to each other! God if you're listening please please don't take Mon now! Please give Sam the will to carry on if ever the worst happens but seriously Mon is too young pls!!!)

(Sam tried her best. She tried to pull herself together and in a hurry. She knew time was of the essence and so she's desperately trying to push through with sheer will. She came to the other side, opposite of my position and took Mon's hand.

I was trying to do my best with the CPR.
I asked Jim and Tee and no one was trained in first aid.
I remembered the basics from a role I used to play but that's all I know. We should be ok right?

Sam let me say sorry in advance. I'm not kissing Mon. This is me trying to save her! You can get mad after! Actually if u get mad i'll smack you! How could u be so ungrateful! I'm trying to save ur wife! Hmph!)


Hey loves!
How was chap 26?

Author keeps her promises. I uploaded haha

Sam wasted too much precious time crying sigh smart people sometimes can also have those moments

If you were in Sam's shoes are u confident u would have acted sane?
Yes/no tell me in the comments below! I love hearing from you!

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Please help me get this novel to as many fans as we can. We all deserve to suffer together right? Hahhahaha

Love, Cha 😘

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