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It didn't take long for them to stabilize Mon
I was happy! I made the right decision in sending her here!

John Hopkins really does live up to their reputation in being one the best hospitals in the world!
I saw it today based on how fast they responded when the need arose. They definitely are capable of giving Mon the best help and care that she needs.

While Mon was asleep the doctor came to us to advise us of her situation

Doctor: the patient is stable now. She is asleep.
We should avoid trying to invoke her to remember her memories for now.
We should take it slow.

Mon has been progressing great with her therapies lately but she isnt't cleared yet.

We had seen great improvement but that is because her trauma remains untapped.

We fixed her external symptoms first because we believed that she needed it for her day to day but her psych tests are still not looking positive.

We don't know how she will respond to external factors.

We should avoid triggers that may potentially make her regress.

It is expected that the next few days will be crucial for her overall development so I implore you to be more cautious with dealing with her.

I know we may be impatient to let her recover her memories but it has to be gradual.

I will talk to her psychiatrist to update her of the situation first. We will proceed with her therapy when she is able.

(When the doctor left, I was left alone with Mon's Mon)

Mom: Sam, what are u doing here?

S: I wanted to stay with Mon. Am I not allowed to?

Mom: Sam... Mon was doing great before u came!
She was almost fully recovered!

If we disregard her memory, Mon was almost back to being who she used to be.

She worked so hard to reach this point Sam!

She was smiling again!
She was finally happy again!
then u came along and everything came crashing down!

She even had a panic attack she hadn't experienced for months!

Just why did u have to show up now?

Didn't u understand it when we told u she needed time away from u?

Didn't we ask you to give her space?

I thought u understood and respected our request!

S: didn't i give her time?
I gave her almost 4 months!
Wasn't that enough?

Mom: Sam, I know u miss Mon! We all do but Mon cannot handle seeing u right now!

We can't rush her memories back!

She hasn't even remembered us yet Sam!

Do u know how hard it is for a parent to have a child who cannot even remember them?

We are hurting too!

But we cannot be impatient right now!

Mon is doing better but she is still unstable!

One wrong move and she could lose all the progress she's worked hard for, for the past 3 months!

Do u want to see Mon like that again Sam?

I'm telling u Sam!
I cannot afford seeing Mon looking at walls again!

We just finally managed to have her smile back!
You can't take that away again!

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