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S: what?
What do u mean ur dying?

G: just that... I'm dying
I don't have much time left
I'm old and my heart is failing me
I was told I wouldn't live long.

S: what? But how??
You look ok to me!
How could u be dying?!

G: the world isn't always what it seems.

Just because u don't see it, doesn't mean it's not true.

I have just been good at hiding it that's all.

Just like how i've always thought u...

Never show ur weakness Sam.

S: but i don't understand!
How come u didn't tell me?
How could u have hidden this from me?
Wasn't I your family?
I was supposed to be the first one to know grandma?

G: u have ur life now Sam
I didn't want u to waste ur time with an old lady like me

Besides telling u wouldn't have change anything.

I'd still be dying

So u didn't need to know

S: i never considered spending time with u a waste grandma

G: I know that's more reasons as to why I didn't want to tell u

S: I don't understand then why are u telling me now?

G: because u asked.

S: ok so i'll ask again.

what has ur dying got to do with me and Mon?

G: it means everything.

S: I... I don't understand....

G: I wanted to make sure I leave u with the right person Sam.

U deserve someone who can stay beside u despite everything that the world may throw at u.

Ur chosen path isn't easy.

I had to make sure u both were ready.

U can call me selfish and cruel and i'll accept all of that but in my heart all i've done was think of ur future.

S: i don't understand...
Why are u talking in riddles!
Can u tell just tell me straight...
Just what did u do grandma?

G: i was testing how much you're both willing to go for each other.

I gave u both a chance to fight for ur love and the way i'm seeing it... You're both losing

S: fight for our love?

G: I gave Mon a chance to prove to herself that she was enough but she didn't see it that way.

I gave her a choice

To leave and improve herself and go back to u when she's ready
Or to stay with u despite my doubts and objections

I told her I'll tell you to leave her if she does and she believed it.

She believed that I would ask u to choose and believed that u would never choose her.

S: but why would u do that grandma?

Why would u even ask her to choose?

Why did u ask her to leave me if you accepted us already?

I don't get it!

I just don't get it!!

G: she had to know what's worth fighting for Sam

She wasn't ready and she knew it too.

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now