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S: Is everybody here?

When Sam asked this, she made sure to look around the entire room and that was super intimidating.

I can hear the echo of gulps in the room. I'm sure people were nervous as to what she wanted to say.

Sam didn't do a lot of unannounced, unplanned meetings, and when she did, it always meant bad news for someone, so I understood why everybody's nervous.

Don't worry guys It's nothing bad really. I tried to hide my smile coz i simply found this so amusing but Sam still saw it and looked at me.
This created a chain of reaction of people staring at me and I can't help but smile awkwardly.

Sam was still holding my hand so I gave it a squeeze to signal her I was ready and she squeezed back to tell me I could start. I smiled at this too. These tiny interactions are worth more than any big announcement of our relationship. This was what I was looking for. No need to tell the world everything but at least don't hide it. Our conjoined hands were proof enough and we owed no one an explanation.

M: thanks for coming guys.
(I smiled at them and they were all confused as to why they're here and why I was the one talking. Usually during meetings i'd be sitting beside them, listening and taking down notes as normal, but right now I'm standing beside Sam doing the talking. I can see the question marks popping up above their heads so I decided to end their curiosity and started speaking)

M: I'm leaving in 2 weeks time
(I heard some staff gasping and I could feel Sam squeeze my hands. She still had her poker face on but I knew Sam was still suffering. I made sure I gave her hand a long squeeze to appease her. Telling her It's ok, just relax and continued my speech)

M: I'll make sure to turnover all my tasks and responsibilities properly, so the next few weeks will be a little busy.
Please bear with me, I'll do all that I can to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible.
Thank u guys for the memories this past 2 & a half years. This isn't goodbye, I'm just pursuing a better version of me. I will come back when I'm done with what I needed to do.
Please take care of Sam for me.
(I raised our conjoined hands and kissed it. Wanting to show it off because why not?)
If someone flirts with her please remind them, she's taken!
That's all. Thank you 😊

I saw Sam pouting. She then said in a low voice "I won't be taken anymore when you leave me"

It was barely a whisper but because it's Sam, of course everybody heard her. The staff always made sure to pay attention to Sam's movements and habits to know when to avoid her and her mood swings. so our fight was again broadcast to the entire staff.
They were all gawking and sweating profusely knowing their lives will be way worse when I leave.
That would mean they have to deal with moody Sam all the time and I feel for them but I really don't have the time to care about them now when Sam is like this.

(I tried to give everyone a heartfelt smile but I don't think it reached my eyes, nevertheless they were tactful and left when I gave them a small nod asking them for space)

When the staff were gone, i faced Sam to me and cupped her cheeks.

M: Sam are we going to fight?
(she wouldn't look at me and pretended not to hear the question
Sam is dodging again)

M: Sam, I still have to tell my parents, the gang and Nop. Are u going to react like this every time?

(She was pouting again. I'm actually quite happy that she's just pouting. That would be better rather than being angry or depressed. That means I have reassured her enough these past few days and that made me at peace leaving her somehow. I mean being away from Sam will never be ok but at least this way she knows I will come back)

M: Saaaaaam (I said in the cutest way possible and made sure to exaggerate on blinking my eyes)
S: hm (she said whilst still pouting)
M: I find you adorable when you pout
(Sam just glared at me ahaha she full on glared at me! Isn't she cute? Lol I'm going crazy I just seriously find her glare cute hahhaha I laughed out loud and that made Sam glare at me more hahhaha this is a fun day)


I found Sam so cute this chapter. Did u?

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