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Classes will be starting next monday and I was so nervous!

This is all new to me.
This is my second life and I want to make the most out of it.

I want to do well and earn my degree faster so I can help Sam.

Sam already started preparing to open a branch here in the US so she was pretty busy too.

Her phone that I never saw her touch was now constantly ringing.

She still stuck to her promise though, she didn't work while she was with me but what that meant was she was forgoing her sleep to make up for it.

It had gone on for several days before I couldn't take it anymore and decided to sit down with her for a sincere talk

M: Sam, you're not sleeping! This isn't right! You'll get sick like this!

S: i'm sorry Mon. Bare with it for a couple more days. There's just too much to do right now. Haha the company was a mess so i'm trying to sort it out

M: this is all because you are too stubborn! I told you didn't I? I told u it's ok to focus on work. You don't have to always keep me company Sam

S: awww but if I don't keep u company Mon, I wouldn't have energy to go to work.
You're my vitamin, MonMon

(I pinched her because she is running her sly mouth again. She always does this when she's trying to get out of something but sorry it's not going to work this time!)

M: keep this up and I'll stop talking to you

S: awwww my bunny is so hard to please. Yes yes what do u want me to do princess?

M: I want you to sleep! You need to take care of your body to Sam. You're not getting any younger you know

S: that's true. I am getting old hmmm... Ok I have my own company, a couple of houses, i have no debt and have saved enough money to last a lifetime.
Ohh did I already mention that I have a doctorate, successful, famous and pretty too?
I'm perfect right MonMon?

M: tsk tsk you're head is getting pretty big lately

S: does that mean u don't agree?

M: yes yes fine! You are perfect! Now stop stalling and promise me already that you'll sleep properly

S: i'm not perfect yet Mon, I still lack something

M: hmm? What else is missing Sam. You have everything

S: I lack a wife and a family

M: Sam...

S: haha i'm just reminding you that i'm still waiting hihi i'm a big fish you know. U got to reel me in or I might get stolen

M: ohhhh is that a threat?

(I crossed my arms and gave her a cold stare to let her know i'm not amused)

S: who said anything about being stolen? That's ridiculous!
I already have an owner
I'll smack anyone who comes near me!
I can put up a sign too saying ALREADY TAKEN hahaha let's see if anyone dares then

(Hahaha who said Sam doesn't have a sense of humor? I find everything that she does so adorable and funny!)

(I smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss)

M: good make a big banner alright? I don't like sharing :)

S: should I make one for you too Mon? I don't like sharing either

M: lol unlike u Sam i'm not a big fish. There's no need for a banner. No one will be interested

(She suddenly grew serious. She faced me and held my face to make me look into her eyes)

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