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Why did Mon bring up grandma all of the sudden?
Mon is not the type to hold unto grudges. Plus she understood my decision back then. I knew she did. She understood even when I myself couldn't and I loved her even more because of that.

She didn't ask me to choose between her and grandma and just let me go when she knew I was suffering. So why is she asking me to choose now? Why now when we were talking about her leaving?
Was she pinning this all on me? Is she blaming me because I couldn't choose her?
Is she using this to break up with me?

Mon and I have gone through hell and back to get where we are right now so I don't understand why she's suddenly leaving when we were finally happy! It's not a matter of just leaving either, she's saying goodbye. She's leaving me behind!

She's been avoiding admitting it, but I could feel it.
If I let Mon go now she won't come back! I will lose her! That is the reason why I have been racking my brains trying to make it work! I have begged her over and over to stay with me! I even offered to come with her and she flat out denied it!

Long distance wasn't ideal for me but I could make it work if it was what she really needed but by how Mon looks at me and how she says she loves me and reassures me she's coming back. I know this won't be a simple parting. She's leaving me for good and I know it.

What was wrong Mon? Am I the problem? Don't you love me anymore? Have u found someone else?
But when I hug her and kiss her everything seemed normal. When we make love I can still feel that Mon loves me! So what is it then?

Was I the only one happy Mon? Where did I go wrong? I kept asking myself where it started to go wrong.

Was it because I expanded the company?
Or was it the pesky assholes hovering around me lately?
Was it really because I couldn't tell the world that i was hers?

No Mon isn't like that! Most of the time she's the one that's telling me to avoid the eyes of people when i'm being affectionate. I knew she was insecure about our status and background.
She had always been conscious about our differences but we fought our way through it and got through it together!

I always assured her that she was the one I wanted. The only one I ever needed!
I told her I don't need her to have a great background or to have a lot of money!
I have enough for both of us! So why?? Why won't Mon talk to me?

I told you I love you everyday! Multiple times a day!
I showed you how much I loved you in every way that I can!
Is it still not enough? Am i still not enough?

I changed so much to be with you Mon!
You told me to be honest so
I told you everything like you wanted but what are you hiding from me Mon? What are you not telling me?

I've been trying to get you to tell me but you always dodged all my questions. I don't understand anything anymore. When did I stop understanding you Mon? And when did you stop trying to make me understand?

When you left I knew you wanted time to think and so did I, so I didn't chase you; but I was expecting for you to come find me when you're ready.

You always run away when you're frustrated and I always follow you & bring you back every time!
But this time you are clearly the one at fault. I'm still sulking! I'm still mad at you! I'm still hurting Mon! Is it too much to ask you to come find me for once?

Ugh i hate this! I have been waiting for forever and you still haven't come! You're so mean to me Mon!

I went out of Duan Pen frustrated! Let's go find Mon!

I went inside and looked for her but she wasn't there. I checked our room, she wasn' there too. I proceeded to check all the bathrooms but she was also not there. Where else could she be? She hasn't left right? I didn't see her leave so that's impossible.

When she was left earlier where was she headed? I tried to remember... My head turned toward the pool. Why does my heart suddenly hurt? Why have I suddenly grown nervous? She was probably lazing around at the poolside but why can't I hear anything?

I quickened my pace, my heart was pounding. You're ok right Mon?

I immediately jumped into the pool when I saw her floating upside down seemingly lifeless.
Please don't let me be too late! Please don't let me be too late!
I kept repeating it like it was a chant.
Forcing myself to not believe in anything else.


Can u spell cliff hanger?

Do u guys hate me? Lol don't come at me with pitch forks and fire i'll seriously turn into a lechon 😂

See u in the next chapter guys!

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Love you all

P.s. i'm hiding 😂

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