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Sam didn't ask to see the 3rd property. She just asked if it was better than the 2nd property and when she was told that it wasn't by the realtor, she decided to get the second property.

Yeah just like that she decided on buying a building.

It wasn't through a loan either.
She transferred the money the moment she decided on buying the property and the realtor was overjoyed and thanked her over and over not believing his luck.

Because she didn't haggle for the price and paid in cash, the realtor gave her a special deal too.

He cut off 5% out of the selling price and told Sam to contact him again if ever she needed another property, promising to provide the best deal possible.

This made Sam satisfied and her mood was instantly elevated.

While I was looking at Sam I wondered what I needed to do to reach that level of freedom.

To be able to make choices like this, like it was nothing

To be able to buy something no matter what it was or how much it cost like buying clothes.

This was a world that I never could have imagined was possible before you came along Sam

It just made me realize that Sam was really far from normal.
I mean I knew, I always knew but sometimes reality really hits u hard.

Looking back, I realized that maybe because she was always with me,
I unconsciously considered her to be like everybody else and that wasn't really who she was.

Sam has never been and will be normal and now I have to implant that into my brain.
If I wanted to live the rest of my life with her, I have to accept her truth too.

It motivated me to do better.
To be better.

I couldn't really just wait for u to be more out of reach Sam. You can't leave me behind.
I need to keep moving forward to be with you.

What u can do, I can do too!
I just need to work harder that's all. Fighting Mon!!!

I'll buy a building like this one day. Wait for it!

We finished the viewing, the decision and the purchase of the building before I was due back in school.

Yeah it was a long day haha i'm still trying to wrap my mind around everything. Everything was moving way too fast.

For a moment, I was really curious just how much are u worth Sam?

I wondered if it was rude to ask.
Will she think i'm after her money if I do? My curiosity is killing me!

Well I can also google it.
I'm sure google will tell me even if it's just the approximate value.

All throughout the car ride to school, this was what I was thinking about.

I was going back and forth with my indecision until I realized that it shouldn't have ever mattered.

Sam is Sam. Nothing else should matter Mon!

Besides, if I see too many zeroes I might panic again and that would only serve as a demotivation, so i'd rather just not know.

I mean seeing the way she behaves and how she carries herself the answer should already be pretty obvious but
let's just keep Pandora's box permanently closed.

Sometimes there is beauty in the unknown.

Before long, we arrived back in school with some time to spare.

Sam and I walked around the campus hand and hand and enjoyed the view along the way :)

We both knew that times like these don't come often so we both decided to enjoy the serenity that it brought us.

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