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S: Mon...Darling it's Sam! U can hear me right? U know my voice right? Could u feel me holding ur hand right now? I'm not letting it go, I won't be letting you go Mon!

Can u feel it? Could you please wake up and tell me that you do? Or could you at least squeeze my hand back? Anything... please! I'm getting really lonely Love. I need my MonMon back! Please Mon can you please wake up and tell me you love me? I miss hearing you saying it so come back to me and say it.

(I was squeezing Mon's hands hoping for any sign that she heard me. Any indication that I still have her with me but there was none.
I looked at Mon and she looks too pale. Even her lips are already slowly turning blue and my mind is telling me that it's too late.. I'm too late. My tears were uncontrollable. My body is clamming up again! I'm fighting with all of me just to remain sane!

Sam calm down! Mon needs you! you can still save Mon! Keep talking to her. She might eventually respond! Don't lose hope, the moment that you do you'll regret it for the rest of your life!)

Awwww ur not responding. I guess ur still mad huh?
Stop being mad already please Mon!

You know what, I was thinking... ur hands lacked something.
When I was holding ur hand I realized it lacked a ring!
It took too long for me to realize huh? U should've smacked me!

When u wake up let's go choose our rings!
I'll choose the biggest diamond ring in all of Thailand and propose to you!
I'll make it very grand! I'll come down from a helicopter!
Doesn't that sound nice? U want to see that right?
How can u afford to miss it? I'd look really cool hanging down from a helicopter!

U wanted us to get married right? I want that too... but Mon, we can only get married when u wake up!

I can't marry you alone.
we have to walk hand in hand to the altar and say the vows that we made ourselves from long ago!
We promised to be each other's strength right?
We promised to be each other's support!
To be each other's better half! To be the only constant in our lives!
To grow old and die together!
We promised to be each other's only exception and have as many firsts together as we can!

We still have a lot of things we haven't done yet! We haven't gone to Switzerland to go skiboarding yet!
We promised to go someday right?

When u wake up how about let's take a vacation? Just u and me! Let's go to the Alpines and watch the sunrise together too!
Let's walk hand in hand in the snow and make snow angels and snowmans. U can't afford to miss that right?
Plus I'm a great skiboarder!
I'll definitely make u proud!
Come on Mon say yes!

(Nothing. Still nothing! Mon can you really not hear me?)

Wake up and marry me Mon!
Please baby i'm waiting!
We can finally be free to tell the world that we belong to each other! Don't u want that Love? Aren't you tempted at all?

Then how about holding our wedding in a massive hall and inviting everybody we know! I'll invite all those idiots that kept flocking around me and flaunt that my beautiful MonMon is better than all of them combined.
I could even gather the press and make a statement that I only belong to you! Always have and always will be! Wouldn't that be a grand declaration? Hahaha my grandma will kill me but that's ok it's better than you killing me now. This hurts Mon! Please stop this!

This was what u were asking of me right? U hated that I was hiding our relationship right? Let's stop hiding! Let's go public!

Wake up and let's show the world that we belong to each other!
Please don't leave me Mon!
Please fight for me! For us! For our future together!
Please don't give up on me.
Not now, not ever!
Let's grow old together or let's die together!

I'm being serious Mon! Don't even think for a moment that you can leave me and die first.
I'm dying with u! I already am now! As I see u slowly dying, you're taking a part of me with u Mon! I'm slowly dying too but it's unfair because you don't get to see it!
wake up!
You can't take it in your conscience if I kill myself to follow u right? Right? I know u can't!
so stop this joke already Mon it's getting old!
wake up Mon! Please wake up!

(I looked at Kate to see if there had been any change at all and I felt my heart die when she signalled that there wasn't one. How much time has passed? Why aren't they here yet damn it!
If Mon doesn't survive because they took too long to get here I will make sure that hospital closes down!
How dare they not use a chopper?!
I'll settle my scores with them later!)

(I was scared to check but I knew I had to for my own sanity.
I need to see for myself if Mon is still fighting.

I was afraid thinking that Mon may have already left me.

jim,tee& kate all took turns to do the CPR but none of it was working.
Do they know what they were doing or are they all making it worse?
Mon should've already woken up by now!
What is taking this so long?
Does she not want to wake up? Are u already tired Mon?
Do you really want to leave me?
I'm tired too Mon. I'm also growing too tired if u die just take me with you!

(I willed myself and checked with shaky hands the pulse by Mon's neck. closed my eyes & prepared for the worst.

When I felt that there was still a faint heartbeat I was elated! MonMon is still here.
She's still trying!
She's still fighting!)

S: You heard me right Mon?
I meant everything I said!
I never break my promises!
You know I don't!
So wake up and let's get married! Come back to me MonMon!

Hi loves!
How was chapter 27?

MonMon is still fighting!

Do u like Sam's little speech?

This chapter took too long for me to write haha i kept imagining the scenes in my head and i was getting depressed lol
then I remembered that it was my choice to go through this route and hated myself lol author is going crazy hahahha

Hope u forgive me now 😂 let's suffer together lol

Please comment, vote and share the story to ur friends. Help me promote it :)

Thank u as always! Let's stay strong until the end!

Cha 😘

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