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M: Mon...

S: hmm?

M: is it too greedy to ask if u love me now?
Have I grown on you Mon?
I wanted to hear it again...
I missed it...but if you're not ready, I can wait. I don't want to rush you.

(I then stared deep in her eyes and saw fear, anxiousness and anticipation. I already promised to make u happy but I guess I wasn't doing a good job at it because even until now I can't stop your anxiousness Sam. I didn't even notice that I haven't said I love you back. I'm sorry.

I held her face, stared deeply in her eyes and kissed her.
I wanted to convey every emotion that I have felt.
i wanted to assure you Sam that even without saying it. i was already yours and when I did she cried all over again.
So I stopped and wiped her tears away before I nodded with a smile)

M: Do u really think I go around randomly kissing people Sam?
If I didn't want u in my life, I would've cut u off a long time ago.
I'm sorry I hesitated.
I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
I may not remember you yet Sam, but my heart remembers loving you.
I love you ChamCham.

(Hearing this, Sam lost control and cried even more. She was bawling and I really felt sad that she had to suffer all this time because of me.
All I could do was hug her and comfort her. I stayed by her side until she had managed to calm herself down)

S: Mon u remembered?
M: hmm.. I don't have all my memories yet but I remembered enough
U were my ChamCham and I was your MonMon right?

S: hmm. That's right I am your ever faithful ChamCham :) reporting for duty!

M: then why don't u lick me ChamCham? You're being disobedient :)

(She chuckled at that and licked my lips lightly before giving me a light kiss)

S: Mon, can I sleep with u tonight?

M: sleep with me?

(I immediately swallowed a mouthful of dry air. My cheeks were red and my ears soon followed. I know I teased you Sam but isn't this way too fast?

Seeing this Sam chuckled and ruffled my hair)

S: what are u thinking about MonMon?
I said sleep with you.
I meant just that. I wanted to sleep with you. I missed you that's all.

M: Sam, what does sleeping with me mean exactly?

S: my MonMon is so cute!
i just want to sleep and wake up next to you Mon. i won't do anything you're not ready for. I promise. i can wait

M: hmmm. So uhmmmm I'm assuming that we have done that before?

S: haha what does "that" mean exactly Mon?

M: now, I know you're making fun of me!
(I was upset of her teasing and wanted to leave but she grabbed me before I could and hugged me)

S: you mean sex right Mon?
Yes we have done it before. Lots of times and I miss that too but as i've said, I can wait. I won't rush you.
I won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with.
Just having u by my side is enough for me. We can talk about the rest later ok?

M: hmmm...

S: so is that a yes?
Can I sleep with you Mon?

(Why do I think of that whenever she said that! Ughh Mon! You're hopeless!
Don't imagine it! Relax!!!)

M: ok. Let's go to bed

(I was so nervous lying next to Sam. My heart was beating so widly thinking about her kissing me and potentially something more. Should I just ask for it?

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