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Sam's POV

I carried Mon out of the pool and laid her flat on the floor.
I immediately checked her breathing and my heart dropped when there wasn't one.

S: You are not leaving me like this Mon! This is very cruel! Please tell me you're only playing a joke on me! You're just punishing me right?
Yes! It was my bad! It was my fault! Now please come back! Please Mon! I'm sorry i'm sorry! Please don't leave me like this Mon!

(I'm panicking! I couldn't think straight! I was overwhelmed with grief! I don't know what to do! What happened Mon?!
I should've gone to u sooner!
Why didn't I find you?
I shouldn't have let u leave alone! F*ck F*ck F*ck. No no no i can't give up yet! Mon's a fighter. She won't leave me like this!
I forced myself to think of something. Of anything! I have to do everything to bring Mon back.
I tried my best to calm myself down but I couldn't!
I couldn't think straight!
I couldn't breathe!
I'm hyperventilating!

No Sam there's no time for this now! Calm down! Mon needs you.

I was scrambling to move. My knees were weak and it gave out. I couldn't feel any of my limbs. I can't will myself to move. I was crying hysterically shouting Mon's name asking for help. Where's my phone. Ambulance. I need to call an ambulance! I can't find my phone

All i could do was hug Mon tightly into my chest. I was mournfully screaming. My sobs filled the place. Couldn't anyone hear me? Why isn't anyone coming for help? Why did this have to happen?)

S: Mon please don't leave me! I love u! I'm sorry i'm sorry it's my fault u can blame me! Please come back to me Mon. Please don't leave me like this Mon, I can't take it. Please come back to me!

Kate's POV

I was worried about PP.
I don't know how she's taking the news of Mon leaving.
Knowing how much she loves Mon, i'm sure this would've been devastating for her to hear that Mon's leaving her side.

Sam is very possessive and she is addicted to Mon.
If she could just sew her and Mon together, she would've done that already
So how could a person like this afford to be away from Mon for 5 years? I'm sure she would go insane with overthinking everything.

This is the same Sam that would prefer to have Mon stay at home than be employed by Tee just because we joked about people having a crush on Mon.
The same person too that wouldn't let Mon go home even to her parents house because she's dreading the one night away from her. Yes this isn't going to end well!

K: guys i'm worried about PP and Mon
J: Do u think Mon can calm her down?
T: knowing PP I don't think so
K: should we step in or should we give them time to talk it out?
T: they had a lot of time to talk about everything by now but we never know what if we caught them in a bad time?
J: bad time, bad time. If they're having sex then that's a good time!
(I smacked Jim's head because this girl is seriously useless)
T: lemme call Mon... Hmmm.. That's weird. She's not answering.
K: Mon always answers her phone. No matter what!
Try calling again. I'll call Sam.

(We tried chatting, texting, calling. Nothing worked. Something is definitely not right)
K: guys let's go to PP. I have a bad feeling about this.


I know u guys hate me 😂
I'm sorry!
Let's be patient and wait for the next chapter. Hihi

I will be on a flight soon and will probably upload the next chapter by late... late at night or morning of the next day.

While waiting
Do u think this is how things will end between Mon and Sam?

Can Mon still be saved?

Comment, vote and help me share the story please guys.

Love yah! Don't kill me!

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