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We arrived with an hour to spare, so as promised Sam took me to the amazing spot she said she found.

Turns out staying lowkey was never going to work.
Though Sam was already out of her flashy clothes, we were still sadly in her newly bought Black & Pink Bugatti veyron super sport sports car and nothing anybody can do could make it less flashy!

People were gawking whilst we were still on the street, all the more when it was parked in school.

Driving that car was never going to work if we wanted to draw less attention to ourselves and deep down I knew that, that was really how Sam wanted it.
Sam has never been lowkey and I doubt she will start now.
I knew that but I still hoped the reaction wouldn't have been this exaggerated.

I couldn't really blame them.
It was limited edition, expensive and flashy and the color being black with pink highlights made it worse. It was too striking for people to not notice.

So yeah, mission stay as the invisible girl was a major fail.

Sam was also incredibly pretty.
No matter how simply she is dressed, she exudes this confidence in her every stride that just draws in more attention by the minute.
I could feel the stares it's overwhelming!

Even now, when she's stationary, she still draws a crowd.
Sigh the troubles of having an outstanding girlfriend!
I can't even hide when she's holding my hand!
So the attention spills out to me too.

I guess people wondered who I was and that's never a good sign.

I just tried to zone out the crowd as much as I could but it was unbearable.

Amidst all of this, this girlfriend of mine was eating happily, smiling and humming!

She even went above and beyond and even fed me every couple of minutes!

I mean it was sweet and all but seriously I was glad I didn't choke from all the attention we were getting!

How could she even eat so peacefully like this?!
Sometimes Sam I just couldn't help but wonder if you were even human under that mask of yours sigh!

To be fair, us standing out is not solely because of her.
It's partly because of the car, partly because our unique faces amongst the sea of Americans and yeah because of what she had decided to do too.

We looked like crazy people having a picnic in the middle of campus on the first day of class!
Ughhh!!! Why did I even agree to this? This is a bad idea!
I'm sure people are saying we were crazy!

S: Mon...
M: hmm?
S: you're zoning out again.
What's wrong?

M: uhmmm Sam, we're drawing too much attention
S: and?
M: what do u mean and?
It's uncomfortable eating being stared at

S: ohhh ok. Want me to ask them to leave us alone?
M: whaaaat?! How are u even going to manage that?

S: lol it's simple i'll just talk to them and tell them they're being rude and an eyesore.
M: No! No! I'm good Sam. Please don't do that!
S: u sure? If they bother you Mon, I can make them stop.

M: yep! I'm sure! So please don't do anything!
It's my first day Sam.
I don't want any problems

S: hmmmmmm...
(Unconvinced, she frowned and attempted to stand.
I was paying attention so I managed to pull her back down right away)

M: i'm serious Sam stop!
S: ok then eat Mon.
Don't mind them. How can u pay attention to anyone else when someone pretty like me is right in front of you

(And that did it hahahhaha now I can't stop laughing! You're really the best Sam! Even at a time like this, your confidence and sense of humor never fails to amaze me!

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin