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Today is the first day of class!
I made sure to get up extra early to prepare.

I tried to be as quiet as possible but Sam is a light sleeper.
The moment I got up, she woke up too.

I tried to tell her to sleep more because she hardly slept last night, but as usual she did what she wanted and I had no choice but to just let her be because I know I wouldn't be winning anyway plus I really didn't have time to waste today.
I wanted to be early to make sure I made a good impression in class.

Sam will be visiting some prospective sites for her new office today too but that wouldn't be for much later, so I was confused when I saw her preparing to leave so early

M: where u going?
S: taking my girlfriend to school :)
M: huh?
S: Did u really think I would let you go alone?

M: Sam, you don't have to.
Harvard is so close, it wouldn't even take 30 mins to walk there

S: yes but who said anything about walking? Driving there in a sports car would be so much cooler Mon. Don't u agree?
M: walking is good for the body too. We all need a little bit of exercise :)

S: but Mon how can I even walk there in these heels?
M: haha then u better change if u wanna come with me

S: Mon, let's take the car please
I look so pretty today don't u think so?

M: hmmmm I wonder if I should agree to inflate your ego a bit but now i'm a little hesitant

S: hey! Come on please! It'd be a waste if I had to change out of this outfit when it's so perfect :)

M: fine! But you look pretty in whatever you wear Sam.
There was never a need for you to worry about what u wear.
You're taking this way too seriously.

M: i've been serious about anything that involves u Mon

S: I'm just going to school Sam.
Besides, I only asked you to change your shoes not your clothes

S: but this dress doesn't go well with flats Mon

M: you're so mellow dramatic.
why are u pretty today anyway?

S: I'm always pretty but I paid special attention today since it's your first day at school.
I wanted to show everyone that you have a hot girlfriend so they won't get any dumb ideas

M: hahahaha you and your crazy ideas Sam!

S: what? Trust me it'll work.
It's better compared to having you wear a shirt that says "i'm taken" on your first day like I originally envisioned

M: what? You're not serious right?
S: I actually am hahah wanna see it?

M: No!!! did you seriously think i'd wear a shirt like that? You're crazy Sam!

S: y not? It's a pair with mine... Look, I had it specially made too.
Doesn't it look great?
I had to have it delivered all the way from Paris.
It's a custom order Mon.

(I was dumdfounded! Sam just what did you do? I was joking about the banner but here you are and made a shirt!!!
I mean the design looks great but still do u really expect me to wear this? You're really one and only Sam! It's only you who can even come up with ideas like this and actually pull it off)

M: Sam, I really don't know what to do with u

S: why? Doesn't it look good? If you don't like the design I can order another one.
U can pick this time if it'll make u feel better.

M: Sam the design isn't really the issue here

S: then what is the problem?
Don't you like the color? Or was it the style of the shirt?

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant