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It took a couple of days before Sam calmed down.
For the first few days, she didn't want me out of her sight.
She even forced me to work in her office.
Sigh I can't imagine what my peers think of me now.

Our last fight was broadcast and it was embarrassing to say the least.
Plus if you add the fact that both Sam and I were out "sick" for the past 3 days to the mix. U can imagine my discomfort.

The first day I came back from being suspiciously sick after a big fight, Sam was attached to me by the hip. She dragged me everywhere even the bathroom. What we did there I'll keep it our little secret.
I could hardly get any work done. It was so hectic! So i need to work overtime especially since I'll be resigning soon.

I have a lot to do and a lot to prepare because I have to turn over all my responsibilities and my projects to my next in line soon.

The first task, letting people know I'm resigning.
I think they already have an idea based on Sam's and mine's last outburst but they didn't know the full story and I prefer to keep it that way.

I worry about Sam when I leave. Will she be able to take care of herself? Will she sleep on time? Will she be too sad when i'm gone?

I knocked myself in the head because my thoughts are getting the best outta me again and I have too much to do to be depressed.

I talked to Sam and told her I have to announce that I'm resigning soon. We can't delay it if we want the turnover of responsibilities to be done efficiently.

I feel Sam clamp up again but really can I blame her? We don't talk about me leaving but we can't really pretend it's not happening. We're both just delaying the inevitable to enjoy our last moments together.

We promised not to fight and we're both trying really hard to avoid it.
She's gotten way too possessive recently but at this point, I even find that cute lol I really do love Sam! I can't deny that i'm helplessly in love with Sam.

I pray that Sam would be able to wait for me!

I stood and hugged Sam to comfort her telling her I love her and that I will always belong to her! Reassuring her that I will come back for her. When that didn't work, I leaned in to kiss her.

I felt her responding to my kiss. She hurried to make it deeper and I was happy to oblige. Her tongue slipped in and her hands were roaming all over my body.
I stopped her and she became upset so I had to soothe her again.

I stood up and locked the door.

M: the only reason I stopped was because we forgot to lock the door
(I then continued to kiss her. I took the initiative to take it deeper and unbutton her shirt one by one. I can feel her staring at me as if telling me she knows what i'm planning to do. I smirked because i'm not hiding it)

M: you started it. Now be a good girl and let me finish it
(I licked my lips coz I was thirsty for Sam. I have always been weak for her body and right now I have full intentions to ravage it)
M: careful not to make too much noise love or we'll be doing a public show for the entire office
S: (Sam bit her lips and stared at me. She's telling me it's not fair that it was supposed to be her turn but it was too bad, it's too late now Sam. I'll be the one in control today)

(I freed her privates from it's constraints and played with it with my tongue. Making sure to hit the right spots. I know how to make Sam moan and she won't escape me today!)

M: let's be quick today love! There's still a speech i have to make

(I then proceeded to fight her more fiercely. Making sure to make her feel my hands inside her and my tongue as i suck her. Ahh i'm happy. Sam tastes great!
I can feel her holding back her moans and that made it even more appealing to me so I continued to attack her until she couldn't take it anymore. I made sure to take it all in. I was prepared for her and I swallowed everything she was giving me. I sucked her dry and now i'm satisfied!
I looked at my girl and once again I felt so lucky to have her. Being with Sam felt like a dream. How could someone so perfect choose to love someone like me? I guess I did something amazing in my previous life.)

(I hugged Sam and kissed her cheeks. I bit her ears and told her she was tasty and i had fun. Hearing this Sam was as red as a tomato and that made her even more endearing. I helped her get dressed and fixed both of our appearances carefully. I told her to lay low for awhile because her cheeks were still flushed and the smell of sex was still everywhere. I can't let anyone see Sam like this. The line would get too long!)

When we were both sure we were decent we stepped out hand in hand ready to make the announcement


How was it everybody?
Was it too hot for you? Coz it was for me hahaha

I wanna thank everybody who read my story. We're still far from being finished so please stay with me.

Drop me a heart, a comment
Tell me what you think. Love yaaah 😘

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