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After grandma left I needed time to think!!!

I wanted to understand!

I'm sure grandma did this for a reason!

But I just cannot accept her methods!

What she had done was wrong and she needed to know that!

I loved her and I trusted her! And that's what made everything worse!

She could've talked to me or talked to the both of us! She shouldn't have tested us like this!

If she knew Mon was weak, why push her to the brink? I don't understand!

Just how was this for me grandma?

All you have done was ruin my life!

There was too much to process... I didn't know where to start comprehending it.

Grandma's dying!

Mon's reason for leaving!

Grandma's involvement in forcing Mon to choose and Mon's decision not to trust me!!

Be honest Sam, if Mon had told u everything...
If she asked u to choose
Would u have really picked her?

I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!!!
Why ask this now!
It's too late!
She didn't even give me a chance to choose!!!
Just why didn't u Mon?!!!

Would u have really been capable of choosing her though?
Be honest! Could you have left your grandma for her Sam?

I don't know!
Just why are they making me choose?!
All I wanted was to be happy!
Why is that so hard to achieve?!

Just what do I have to do to be happy?
I just wanted a simple life!
I just wanted Mon to be with me and love me!
Why is life so complicated?!

Why couldn't I catch a break?

Grandma u did this!
I love u and i'm trying to understand but this is too much!

U telling me you are dying was making it even worse!

How could I even leave u now?
Despite all that u have done how could I afford to abandon u?!
Especially now that I know you're dying!
How could u have done this to me?!
Why did u have to tell me?!
Why now?!
If u decided to hide it, u should've hidden it forever!!!
U telling me now is not helping!
It's making everything worse!
Now I feel like you're trapping me to stay!!!

Ur telling me that I have a choice when I really had none right?!

I really don't know what to do!

I want to chase after my own happiness!

I want to be happy for once!

Am I too selfish?

I can choose Mon right grandma?

U told me I had to fight for my own happiness right?!

So pls don't blame me if I do! I deserve to be happy too!

It took a week for me to pull myself together

I was stuck between doing what I have to do vs what I want to do and couldn't make myself decide

Deep down I always knew...

It had to be Mon!

I am miserable without you!

But Mon would u still even take me back?

Even until now i'm still confused...

Why didn't u tell me?

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