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Sam brought me to a fancy restaurant and well we were getting too much attention again and all for the wrong reasons.

We weren't really dressed enough to be in a high end restaurant so obviously the stares were understandable.

Sam didn't really care though, she simply said that as long as she had the money to pay for the meal, they should have nothing to say and that ended our conversation.

So here we were eating while getting gawked at.
I felt it from the time we stepped in here up until the end of our lunch.

The waiter was baffled thinking that we probably would be scared running after seeing the price range of the courses but when Sam didn't bat an eyelash and just simply ordered like it was nothing, he just gave up and decided to see if we could afford it when the bill came.

I was amazed that we managed to finish the courses without choking.

Going here in jeans and a hoodie was really a bad decision.

I should've stopped her sooner.
Geez we looked like college students who stumbled into the wrong side of town.

When we were both full,
Sam paid in cash, left a generous tip and stood up.
Leaving behind all the questioning gazes of the people who were left staring at her back.
She then asked if the food was satisfactory and what I wanted to do next.

Yeah welcome to Sam's life.
At moments like these, I really admired her outlook in life.
Sam was just too cool for words.

She had an appointment with the realtor for her prospective office so I thought that since I was free anyway, it would be great to come with her

She was ecstatic to hear that and nodded her head fervously.

S: thanks for coming with me Mon! I actually was really hoping that you could come with me today :)

M: then you should just asked Sam

S: I don't want to force u to do things u don't want to do

M: do i look like someone forced me Sam?

S: nope you looked like my caring, understanding and beautiful girlfriend 😉

M: tsk you're really great at flirting u know?

S: I know. I'm great at everything :)

M: yeah I remembered how great u were at explaining to my parents too

S: but I already warned you in advance Mon

M: but I didn't know it would be that bad!

S: i'm sorry

M: yeah i'm sorry too i forced you to explain. I'd do do explaining from now on.

S: hmmm. I'll leave it up to u then wifey :)

M: who's your wife?

S: uhmmm then husband?

M: Saaaaam!

S: what? What did I do now?

M: tsk! U just love teasing me don't u?

S: I was serious u know?

M: I know...


Sam had 3 properties to view today. We started with the nearest one

It was a modest 4 story building about 20 mins away from school.

It needs to be fully renovated but it was in a prime location.

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERWhere stories live. Discover now