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Mon's pov

I woke up to hushed whispers around me.

I immediately looked for Sam and found her talking with my parents.

I didn't know what they were talking about but it looked serious.

When Sam saw me looking at me, she immediately left to come by my side.

she then asked if I was alright and if I still had a migraine and when I shook my head no, she hugged me while crying.

I didn't know what caused me to blackout but if there was anything good that came out of it, it was that I regained a part of my memories.

It wasn't a lot by any means and I'm still trying to fit in the puzzles together but I'm not willing to share this with them yet. I didn't want to let them know because I didn't know what to do yet.

I needed time to think.

All I know is that Sam, in my memories, you were due to marry him.

I remembered how you left me for him but as to why you left that I didn't know.

I was so confused!
If you loved me so much Sam why did u leave?
And what confidence do I have that you won't be leaving me again?

Being left behind was painful Sam, I didn't want to go through that again!

The me in my memories was suffering so much! I was crying my heart out shouting your name Sam yet you still left!

Is this what you were hiding from me?

Is this what you were trying to do? Fixing a mistake?
Is that why you were so good to me Sam? Because u were guilty for leaving me?
If that's the reason then I don't need it!


Sam's pov

This past few months staying with Mon, I didn't really know how I was feeling.

I was happy seeing Mon everyday.
I was happy I was able to to stay by her side and take care of her.
I'm happy that Mon seemed to be healthy and happy but at the same time, I was losing hope with every day that passed.

She was never going to remember me.
That's the sad reality, I was trying to escape from.

I didn't want to accept it but I decided that even if you don't remember me Mon, I could just make you fall in love with again!

If i've managed to do it before, I can surely do it now! Especially now that I have made you my sole priority.

There should be no reason to fail!
Have faith Sam!
Mon will see it, how much u love her.

I did everything for you.
I tried my best to give you the best version of myself that I never got to show you before.

I would no longer hesitate!
I won't go back and forth with my decisions!
I won't hold back!

I promised myself that i would try harder, that I would love you more this time around and I will make sure you felt how much I cared.

This time around Mon, I won't let u doubt my love.

I vowed to make you happy this time, no matter what it takes!

I promised to only let you see the good in me so I was always smiling through my pain.

I was pretending to be always happy when I was with you.

It was working right Mon?
Being with me isn't so bad right?
All you have to do is be happy, have fun and smile.

GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя