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Sam might not have thought much about her words, but i always took everything she said seriously.
A masters and a PHD in HARVARD huh? Hmmm what a tough mountain to climb
Can I even pass? That's the big question.
My GPA would pass. I was at the top of my class and I knew that wasn't going to be a problem.
My resume also looked great especially now that Sam gave me all these projects.
Working for diversity which has already made a name for itself in Asia also helped.
My extracurriculars back in UNI was also pretty substantial.
Hmmm would that be enough to get in?
Sigh there's no use worrying about it. Let's just send an application and see what happens next. Let's think of a Plan B later.

This was really nerve wracking. The waiting...
I told myself it's ok if I don't pass. There's always other schools and other paths to take but I knew deep down that there was no Plan B's for me.
Sam chose this path and I'll freeze hell if I don't take it.

It's the least I can do for Sam. At least i can be the ideal girl for her as a consolation for the bomb I have to give her in a month's time.

I didn't apply for any other schools too so it really is a make or break for me.

Days turned to weeks and I still heard nothing. I was starting to lose hope!
Did I seriously not pass?
What do I do now?
Do I apply for another university?
Do I even have time?
I can always leave first and then apply later. But that would mean delays and delays mean more time away from Sam.
This is not good.

I spent my days overthinking. I was stuck in a daze most of the time. Good thing Sam was busy and didn't have much free time to pay attention to me at work or else I would have really been caught by now.
My nerves were at an all time high!

Then I heard the phone ringing.
It was Sam. Is this a foreboding sign?
Gulp. I've forgotten how it feels like to be summoned to her office like this. It gave out bad memories.


Hi loves!!
How's everybody!

Hope u r still reading!

Yikes summoned to the principal's office!

What do u think is the reason y Sam summoned Mon?

Tell me what u think! I love reading about them :)
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GAP 2: ROAD TO FOREVERМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя