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A month had passed by so fast and now it was time to leave.

I will really miss this house.
I didn't stay here long but I really did love this house.

I looked around the house one last time and left with Sam when it was time.

I will go back here one day.
I know this house belongs to Sam but it felt like home and I didn't want to let go of that feeling so I will everything so I can come back here someday.

It took a little more than an hour of travel time by plane to reach Boston and about 40 mins by car to reach the new house we were staying at.

I was excited to see the new house!

Sam said that this had the same as the house that we had just left and yes she was really telling me the truth.

I was quite surprised when I first saw it because I had a major case of deja vu.

To say that it was similar was an understatement because it was almost a replica of her other house.

Just what is going through your mind Sam? Just why would anyone want a replica of their own house? Isn't that just weird? Who would even do this? I guess it's only Sam who would be crazy enough to do this tsk tsk!

The house was the perfect size.
It had 2 floors and wasn't massive like her other house but everything else almost stayed the same.

I guess it was smaller because she used to live here alone. Staying in a big house alone, will make one feel lonely afterall. Why would anyone ever need that much space, i guess I will never understand.

To me it was not practical.
A home isn't all about its size.
But for Sam, this was considered lowkey flexing.
She told me she was rich so she deserved the best.
Having a small house was never an option for her Sigh!
She had too much pride and she was used to too much abundance to support it tsk tsk!

I did say that the house was smaller but it still had 4 rooms, 5 & a half bathrooms, a small theater room, and a backyard to boot. So yeah it was still big for anyone else's standards.

I just have to get used to living in Sam' standards.

At times like this, I really understood Sam and I's differences.

I petended to not see it because she was still Sam.

Except for her expensive taste and luxurious and wastrel habits, she wasn't that different from me and she was willing to do simple things with me too like eating in the cheap street stalls with a smile on her face so how can I even find fault in her?

But in reality, Sam had always been and will always be from a different world from mine and I had to accept that if I wanted to be with her.

The problem is I don't know if I can accept it fully nor was I sure if I wanted to be with her.

I knew Sam was special to me.
I could pretend to hide my feelings for her but can I really stop it?

The real question was, was I ready to go for it?

Deep down I still knew that this was wrong.

I was born a woman, I was expected to wed a man and grow my own family right?

I can never have that with Sam and I don't know if I'd want to disappoint my parents again after what they've been through with me.

I owe them that much right? Sigh! Make up ur mind Mon!


After a little of tour of the house and a quick nap, Sam came to me excited saying she wanted to take me to a tour in Harvard.

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