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It's been a month since school started and as usual there was no progress!
This is driving me insane!
I already did everything!
I teased! I initiated! I even acted it out but Sam why aren't u doing anything!
I even dropped my towel and paraded myself across the room! Haven't I done enough?!
Do I have to be even more deliberate? Or aren't u just interested in me?

I looked at the mirror and scanned myself
I looked ok. I mean my boobs could be bigger but I have a good proportionate body!
I have curves, my tummy was flat and I have a round butt too!
So what's the problem?

I looked at my face and wondered if I was pretty enough but Sam u always said I was a pretty right? Was that a lie?
Why are u always pulling away?!
Am i the only one who wanted it?
Don't you want me?!
Why are u making me feel like a pervert?

Shouldn't I be looking for it?
I mean should we just take it slow? Ugh! But how slow is slow?! Even that I didn't have the answers too! This is seriously maddening!

I got out of my room and marched to where Sam was.

I saw her in the backyard drinking coffee while reading some papers and looking at reports from her laptop.

She looked hot from this angle too!
Sam being serious was definitely a big plus in my books!

Mon!! Concentrate! U have a mission! Wake up! It's now or never

M: Sam do u like women with big breasts?
(She spit out the coffee she was drinking and looked at me confused)
S: Mon?
M: answer
S: uhmm i'm not really sure
M: how can u be not sure? It's either just a yes or a no Sam!

(She then stood up and sat me down beside her to look at me more closely)

S: what's wrong Mon?
M: do u prefer women with big breasts?
S: Mon I really don't know.
You're the only one I've ever been with and i'm not really interested in anybody else so I don't really know my preference
M: then do u hate it that i have small boobs?
S: they're not small Mon

(I grabbed her hand and placed it on my left breast and she immediately panicked and reddened. She looked around and dragged me to our room)

S: Mon, tell me what's wrong please

M: do u hate me for not having bigger boobs Sam?

S: what? I love u Mon! I love everything about u!
How can u even say that?!

M: then why? Why aren't u doing anything?

S: because I wanted to respect u Mon! I told u I can wait!
M: respect what Sam? I have already done everything to make it obvious to you but u still haven't made a move yet! If you love me then what's stopping you?

S: do u think it's easy Mon?

M: then why make it hard for yourself Sam?
Don't resist me!

(I then decided to be bold and unbuttoned my top one by one and I could feel her stare deepen as I continued to do so.

I gulped and froze for a minute. My nerves were getting the best of me but I didn't want to stop!
Help me Sam!)

S: Mon...

(I felt Sam's heat on me. I could smell her perfume! She was so close but even now she wasn't doing anything!!! I was so frustrated that I almost bolted out the door! But I stood in place because I know what I wanted and I would damn well have it today or else i'll seriously go crazy Sam!)

M: come

(Sam was just staring at me unmoving and I was about to cry! She really didn't want me!!! I'm not doing this again! I decided that I had already embarrassed myself enough so I turned around and buttoned my clothes back on.

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