~~ 32. ~~

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*One day you look at your life and it has a purpose and someone that makes you feel very special and friends. And all the time and pains it took to get there, it just doesn't matter anymore. - ONE TREE HILL*


         Mrs Jolaoluwa climbed down from her jeep making a phone call to her mother who had left for Kaduna earlier that day.

".... Please be careful." She said as she climb into the car. "..... Thank God then..... I also told you not to go there. There can handle themselves ...... Just stay safe... Tayo helps me with those things at the back of the car." She said to one of her bodyguards who nodded and turned around to the back of the car.

"Okay, ma. Moti gbo yin (I've heard you)." She said to the receiver and she took her bag from the back seat and then she ended the call before throwing the phone into the bag in her hand.

           She walked around to the front of the house and what she saw made her stop on her track. A deep frown formed on her face and anyone could tell that she was angry.

           In front of her were the people she dread. They were actually relatives and family of the person she hates the most. The sight of them alone made her blood boil with anger, her heart twisted in pain as memories she doesn't want to remember began to flood back.

           She didn't hope to see anyone from the family ever again in her life. She was happy and fulfilled. She had everything she ever wanted and she can proudly say she is the happiest and proudest mom ever.

           But these people had ruined all she had thought. She wondered why they had brought their miserable self to her house and how in the hell in God's name they had known and found out where she lives. It's been ages since she last laid eyes on any of them.

          She fisted her hand into a ball as she stared at them with hatred and bloodshot eyes.

           Her visitors, a young man who should be in his mid or late twenties and a young lady probably twenty-two or three with an elderly man two who could be three to four years younger than Mrs Jolaoluwa quickly stood up from the seats they'd been offered and had sat on.

         They approached her in slow and steady steps. They had this pleading look on them. Most especially the young man and the older man.

"What are you people doing here?" She asked with suppressed anger. She was trying not to lash out at them. She wanted to act like a civilised woman when all she wanted was to hit them with anything she could lay her hands on.

           They could tell she was angry as the venom in her voice was obvious to anyone who heard her question. A look of apology and hopefulness spread on their face. And they looked pitiful.

           But none of it gets to Mrs Jolaoluwa. It's like it made her more furious. They could see her eyes were red in rage.

"What are you people doing in my house?" She yelled at them. She can no longer control the anger she was feeling toward them.

"Jolaoluwa... I mean Mrs Jolaoluwa we are here to.." The elderly man in their midst said as he tried to move closer to her. She took a step back as she glared at him.

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