~~ 51. ~~

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*Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter. - Brad Henry*

Lola sat deep in her thoughts and she didn't hear when Mrs Jolaoluwa called her name over and over. She finally woke up from her reverie and looked up at the woman.

"Are you okay? You're crying." She said gesturing to her face.

She sniffed and quickly wiped the tears from her face. She didn't even realize she was crying.

"I'm okay ma. Just thinking about something." She told her. She looked at her not sure if she believed her.

"Are you sure? Hope you and Demilade aren't having any problem?" She asked with deep concern. She knows her son very well.

She quickly shakes her head at the idea. It wasn't Demilade. Although he was in her thoughts but not at the moment. She has other things clouding her thoughts.

"Yes, ma. I'm fine. I and Demmy are fine too." She assured her.

"Okay. Everything will be alright dear."

"Thank you ma." She appreciated.

She nodded and then walked inside the house. She wiped her face again and she sniffed. Then her phone beeped due to an incoming message.

She picked it up from her side where she placed it on a book and she opened the message. It was from Demilade.

Hi. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it back today. I still have things to do here. And I will be leaving for Dubai afterwards to handle some business. Help me tell my mom and grams. I'll be back immediately after I'm done. Take care.

She read it twice before she closed the messaging app. She sighed and dropped the phone back on the book.

So, there won't be a day out. She thought. She knew whatever he wanted to go and do was very serious. And good thing, he let them know about it. Actually, let her know about it. At least he thought of informing her. Only God knows when he will be back.

She was just sad they might not be able to have any time alone. Demilade can be unpredictable and you can never tell what he is thinking. He might return and not talk about the outing anymore.

Her two weeks with him will be ending soon and she will have to return to the life before she knew him. She wished things turn out differently.


Bayo came to sit beside Lola with his daughter in her arms. The little girl was watching something on her father's iPhone 13. They had finished swimming a while ago and they had gone inside to take a bath and change into something comfortable.

"Joanne, how are you?" She asked the little girl. She looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Pine." She answered and the two adults laughed.

"That's good. So you enjoy your swimming?"

The little girl nodded and she looked at her father's face. He was grinning at the little girl and she giggled before she went back to the phone in her hands.

"Cute girl," Lola commented as she looked at the girl.

"You must love children," Bayo said and she faced his direction.

She nodded. "Yeah. I have some at home." He nodded to that.

"Demilade said he won't be able to make it back today."

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